When is the right time to change to summer tires??

The "O to O rule should be known to almost every driver. It says: winter tires should remain on the car from October until the weekend after Easter. For summer tires this rule of thumb should also apply – only then from Easter to October.

When temperatures rise into the plus range during the day in spring, many motorists wake their summer tires from hibernation. But the summer tires should not be mounted on the vehicle too early. Before that, it is important to take a look at the thermometer – or more precisely, at the lowest temperatures.

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Damage settlement: typical potential hazards and how to avoid them

Damage settlement: typical potential hazards and how to avoid them

Regardless of other motorists, there are some other risks as well as external influences that can cause extreme damage to your car. Even through no fault of your own, it can be very expensive. Here's how to behave properly to contain sources of danger and what to consider for insurance claims processing.

Unpleasant encounters with wild animals

Especially in spring and autumn, you as a motorist are not alone on seemingly lonely country roads. On roads leading through or along a wooded area, special care must be taken to avoid collisions with deer, wild boar& Co. to avoid.

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Body fat – hypotheses on the development of obesity

Science knows and names many factors that are now held responsible as the usual suspects on the weight guardian's checklists for the production of belly fat and hip gold. Too much eat, wrong eat, too little movement, too much sitting, too much stress, always before the Glotze hang – each fat humans with the omnipresent social ostracism in the speckigen neck can this list probably already long backwards and forwards daherbeten. Unfortunately, the scrawny rakes that feed us all these thick lies do the math in this prayer-mill-like brainwashing not only without the host, but also without the wisdom of dadaist ecotrophology. With this shameful sin of omission must finally be an end. So here and now, let's discuss an amazingly ghostly cause of putting on unwanted corpulence, based on a demonstrable phenomenon we're all familiar with: the individual difference in weight between evening and morning, made visible on the scale. So get ready for some gruesome scenarios.

The night is filled with the fat of sleepers

There are many humans, who weigh themselves in principle only in the morning, because they can rely then on noting clearly more easily, than when going to bed the evening before. Other contemporaries, on the other hand, know and take advantage of the opposite effect: they know that the morning will greet them with a freshly put on kilo, and therefore prefer to weigh themselves in the evening after the efforts in the gym and after the deprivations of a deficiency diet. So much cheating must be allowed.

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Frugalists: how to achieve financial independence early on

Are you looking for new and innovative ways to save money? Then you should take a closer look at the frugal lifestyle. Frugalists are people who have chosen a frugal lifestyle in order to become financially independent at an early age.

It's not for everyone, but a frugal lifestyle comes with many benefits. In this blog post, we'll go over the basics of the frugal lifestyle and explain some of the benefits it brings. Whether you're just curious about what it means to live frugally or you're thinking about making the switch, keep reading!

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Insurance, overinsurance and reinsurance: what is the difference?? (All)

Insurance, overinsurance and reinsurance: what is the difference?? (All)

The differences between some types of insurance policies are easy to figure out. For example, auto insurance covers cars and homeowners covers individual homes. However, other terms are not so self-explanatory. You should especially understand the differences between primary and excess insurance, as you will likely encounter them at some point. You may also have heard of the term "reinsurance" heard, which you rather do not know, but still should know to avoid confusion.

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Smart home solutions for seniors with ambient assisted living (aal)

The fact that smart home solutions make life easier has already been proven many times over. But for older people, smart technologies in the home can not only simplify independent living, but also facilitate social contact. AAL stands for a portfolio of solutions, the best known and oldest of which is the home emergency call system.

Seniors or people with physical disabilities want to live independent, supported lives. An age-appropriate, ambient assisted living (AAL) system provides the right basis for making everyday life safer and easier.

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Accident insurance: closing the legal gap in coverage

Around nine million accidents happen in Germany every year, a good two-thirds of them during leisure time. In these cases, the statutory accident insurance does not cover you. For whom private coverage can make sense, and what to look for when taking out coverage.

A fall in the household or while hiking – that happens quickly. The health and financial consequences of such an accident can be serious and long-lasting. If, for example, you are dependent on help in the household, need special therapies or even have to modify your car and/or house to make it suitable for the disabled, you will usually have to bear the costs yourself. If the accident victim can no longer work or can only work to a limited extent, there is also the threat of massive loss of income. Statutory accident insurance only covers accidents at work or in the home office or at school, as well as on the way there and back. Private accident insurance closes this gap.

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Legal protection for employees – it all comes down to this

Being right and getting right are often two pairs of shoes. Time and again, it is the limited financial resources that ultimately lead to the fact that a legal dispute can not be continued. This also applies if the chances in the next instance are actually not so bad. Legal expenses insurance ensures that even economically weaker consumers are on an equal footing with their counterpart in a dispute. In the event of a dispute with their employer, employees in particular are faced with the problem that the employer often has the longer financial breath.

Legal protection for employees and their families

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Advent 2021: once around the world: hawaii

We are looking forward to the Christmas vacation, but we still have a lot to do before then. After all, today we are making a stopover in paradise.

Advent 2021: once around the world: hawaii

Answer to yesterday's question

Mac-OS X? It was first named after cats and then after places in California? The Kodiak bear is neither a cat nor a Californian, but was actually godfather of the public beta of Mac-OS X, but only in Apple's internal use. Officially the nicknames are only since Mac-OS X 10.2 Jaguar.

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