Author: admin

How to get the country out of the restrictions?

How to get the country out of the restrictions?

There are signs of hope in the corona crisis. The number of newly infected people no longer seems to be rising as quickly as before, nor does the number of those who die after contracting covid 19. On the other hand, the number of convalescents is increasing.

But chancellor angela merkel (CDU) warns not to become reckless. There is no all-clear yet. At least for the time being, the state's already massive encroachments on freedom of assembly, movement, trade and religion do not have to be made even more severe.

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Obamas basketball jersey for 120.000 dollars auctioned

obamas basketball jersey for 120.000 dollars auctioned

A basketball jersey from the school days of former U.S. President barack obama is on sale in the U.S. For 120.000 dollars (around 108.000 euros) was auctioned off.

The new owner, a collector of historical sports memorabilia, wished to remain anonymous, the auction house heritage auctions in dallas told the german press agency. 27 bids were received at the auction on sunday night.

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Valet asks pope’s pardon for “vatileaks

Valet asks pope's pardon for "vatileaks

Paolo gabriele, who was released from custody to house arrest, has admitted mistakes and asked for forgiveness in his personal letter to the pope, writes the "corriere della sera" on tuesday with reference to gabriele's defense lawyer, carlo fusco. He also assured in the letter not to have had any accomplices. Unconfirmed reports, strongly denied by the vatican, had previously spoken of several helpers.

Gabriele, arrested at the end of may, is suspected of having stolen confidential documents from the papal registers, which then became public. In the next few days, a decision will be made as to whether or not the chamberlain will stand trial for aggravated robbery. If found guilty, he faces several years in prison.

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Meteorologists expect first rough heat wave

meteorologists expect first rough heat wave

In the coming week the first rough heat wave of this summer could come to germany. "So far it has almost always been very warm, but it has not yet exceeded 30 degrees for several days in large parts of the country."

This was explained by meteorologist thore hansen from the german weather service (DWD) in offenbach. Subtropical air masses could soon change that. "So the already extreme drought, especially in northern germany and parts of eastern germany, will continue to worsen, and the risk of forest fires will also increase again," the meteorologist said of the outlook in the new week.

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Troika doubts athens savings program

Troika doubts athens savings program

According to the greek government, the 11.5 billion euro program has met with skepticism from the EU commission, the international monetary fund (IMF) and the european central bank (ECB). The governments in berlin and athens were nevertheless optimistic.

Athens strives to spare pensioners and workers further shortcuts. The state is to be slimmed down. According to greek finance minister ioannis stournaras, athens and the troika are looking for the best mix of mabbaticals. "We are trying to convince (the troika) of the correctness of our proposal," he said on television after samaras' meeting with the troika of lenders. He is not worried about delays.

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Tsunami aftermath: animals traveled to america on plastic floats

Tsunami aftermath: animals traveled to america on plastic floats

The devastating tsunami in japan in 2011 sent countless creatures on plastic mud floats across the pacific toward america. For many years afterward, researchers continued to find trumpet parts with animals and algae originally from japan on the coasts of north america and hawaii.

They arrived alive in the new world and some of them had even reproduced on the way, the researchers write in the journal "science". In the future, more and more creatures are likely to be spread in this way – because more and more plastic debris is floating in the oceans and because more frequent and stronger storms are expected in view of climate change.

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If the bath spab falls into the water?

If the bath spab falls into the water?

Cooling off in the outdoor pool of the konigsbad could fall through this year because of the corona pandemic: whether this year indoor and outdoor pools will be allowed to open again at all, nobody knows at the moment. "We are currently in a half-eight position. We are dependent on what the government decides. If we were allowed, we would open our outdoor pool", says walter mirschberger, head of the city of forchheim's construction, grounds and swimming pool department. But how could a bathing season look like in the konigsbad?

Due to the current corona situation, the konigsbad forchheim, including the sauna area, has been closed to the public since tuesday, 17. Marz, closed for visitors.

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Why do i need a social security card??

The social security card is an important document for all employees. No work without social security number! But where do you get the ID card and what does it say? And do you actually have to carry it around with you all the time? Career Matters has the answers – and tells you which occupational groups don't need a social security card at all..

What is in the social security card?

The social security card contains this information:

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Coach rohr now hero of the people in nigeria

coach rohr now hero of the people in nigeria

His overjoyed players carried coach gernot rohr on their shoulders through godswill akpabio stadium, tossing him into the air over and over again with exuberance.

When the german soccer coach literally became the national hero of over 180 million people, even nigeria's president muhammadu buhari congratulated him on his "sublime victory". The super eagles' 1-0 (0-0) win over zambia to qualify for the world cup was like "a 57th birthday present" for the head of state. Anniversary of independence. I join the cheers of millions of nigerians, together with the team and the coaching staff".

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