Category: Insurance

Why do i need a social security card??

The social security card is an important document for all employees. No work without social security number! But where do you get the ID card and what does it say? And do you actually have to carry it around with you all the time? Career Matters has the answers – and tells you which occupational groups don't need a social security card at all..

What is in the social security card?

The social security card contains this information:

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If you want to protect customers, you need data

If you want to protect customers, you need data

The analysis and use of internal and external data is not necessarily new to successful insurance companies. In digitizing products, services and processes, many insurers have the advantage of being able to draw on data collections that have been built up over many years. However, few succeed in analyzing this interconnected data holistically and visualizing it in a 360-degree view of the customer.

Customer-centric services also means fraud detection

This was the challenge facing Allianz Benelux. The subsidiary of the 130-billion-euro insurance giant Allianz, employs more than 2.000 employees, insures customers across countries in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, and has an estimated annual turnover of around four billion euros. After a series of mergers and acquisitions, the company faced the task of consolidating its customer data across multiple data silos. The aim was not only to improve sales efficiency, but also to gain a complete overview of customer risks, make forecasts for the future and thus improve customer service.

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Vacation planning: 44 percent of germans want to take a vacation despite corona

A current YouGov survey shows the effects of the Corona pandemic on the vacation planning of Germans. Most respondents have changed their travel plans. They are now either spending the summer in Germany or staying at home altogether. In mid-June, the German Foreign Office lifted the travel warnings for most countries. Nevertheless, a good half of Germans are likely to spend their summer vacations at home. A quarter of those surveyed want to vacation in their own country. This is shown by a recent YouGov survey commissioned by DEVK Versicherungen with more than 2.000 respondents.

After all, 16 percent travel within the EU. 35 percent prefer southern Europe – d.h. Italy, Croatia, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain. Central European countries such as Luxembourg, Austria, Poland or Hungary are also popular destinations (23 percent – excluding Germany).

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Relief for parents of children in need of care

These support and counseling options are available for parents of children in need of care.

Almost all children with care needs are cared for by their parents at home. One of the special features of children in need of care, in contrast to senior citizens in need of care, is that children are to be accompanied by the care into a life as independent as possible. That's why care includes various early intervention measures – a time-consuming undertaking.

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Ukraine: uncertainty despite grain corridor

Two dozen ships have left the largest Ukrainian ports in the Black Sea since 22.Leave July. On this day, an agreement was signed in Istanbul, mediated by the United Nations and Turkey, to allow grain exports from Ukraine to resume after months of blockade by Russian warships and Ukrainian sea mines. One of the first ships to leave was freighted by the UN to 23.000 tons of wheat to starving people in Ethiopia. In total, more than 600.000 tons of grain made their way to the world market, according to the interim balance sheet of the State Seaport Administration of Ukraine. The port authority's plans are ambitious: soon 100 ships a month are to leave the Ukrainian ports of Odessa, Pivdenny and Chornomorsk. But you are still miles away from that.

Shipping companies hesitate

Apart from the freighter that left for Ethiopia on behalf of the UN, only four other ships have entered the ports of Odessa region to pick up grain in accordance with newly concluded contracts. The rest were ships that had been stuck in the harbors for months before. "Things are very slow with new contracts," says Pavlo Martyshev of the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) in an interview with DW. "Market participants don't really trust the Russians and are expecting surprises," Martyshev said, alluding to the Russian missile strike on the port of Odessa just one day after the agreement was signed.

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Travel insurance for language trips

Travel insurance for language trips

Travel insurances are, in general, insurance contracts that cover various risks in connection with travel and stays abroad. Here we present the most important ones – travel health insurance, travel accident insurance, travel liability insurance and luggage insurance:

The travel health insurance

Your statutory health insurance will cover the costs of "damage claims" only if they are located within "Schengen countries" (countries that have a social agreement with the FRG) can apply. Most of the European states belong to the Schengen countries. Within this zone, however, the statutory health insurances only reimburse the treatment costs that would be paid for the same treatment within Germany. So if travelers fall ill or have an accident in the destination country, the insurance coverage provided by the statutory insurance is usually not sufficient to cover all costs. Important: Outside the Schengen countries, you have no insurance coverage at all through your statutory health insurance! In case of emergency, you would have to pay for your entire treatment yourself.
A suitable travel/foreign health insurance protects travelers from possibly very high medical and treatment costs that can arise abroad. It also covers, for example, the costs of a medically necessary return transport to Germany.

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Insurtechs: what is it?

More and more disruptive fintechs are currently appearing on the market, taking the service and banking segment by storm. A change can also be observed in the insurance industry in this context – this is being driven forward in particular by the so-called InsurTechs. InsurTechs are active in various segments in this respect.

For example, one of these innovative InsurTechs is Coya. The company offers digital insurance, such as dog health insurance or home insurance. What is behind the business models is explained in the following article.

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Travel to the us during pregnancy

Travel during pregnancy can be for both personal and professional reasons. However, if the trip takes them to the U.S., pregnant women may also encounter problems. So you should inform yourself before travel start exactly on which entry regulations you should pay attention to.

But at what point in pregnancy does entry into the U.S. prove difficult?? And what reasons can be cited to refuse the issuance of a visa? On these and further questions to the topic entry pregnant USA you receive all important information in the following councellor.

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Braces costs: these benefits and financing options are available

Orthodontic treatment requires patience and costs money. Before getting started with braces or splints, it's a good idea to find out about the costs you're likely to incur. Which costs are covered by health insurance? Which costs are not covered? When must braces be paid for privately? Those who can't or don't want to pay for everything at once can take advantage of various financing options, such as payment by installments.

Braces costs during treatment: From when does the health insurance fund cover?

When it comes to the question of which costs are covered by the statutory health insurance (SHI), the so-called KIG system comes into play. KIG stands for orthodontic indication groups. On the basis of the progress of the tooth change and by the classification of five degrees of severity it is judged whether the costs are taken over. In the case of degrees one and two, the costs are not covered by the statutory health insurance. For grades three through five, the public health insurance contributes to the cost. Whether one pays anything extra privately depends on the additional services chosen.

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