Category: Insurance

Basic principles of statutory health insurance

Basic principles of statutory health insurance

The system of statutory health insurance (SHI) is based on several essential basic and structural principles.


The statutory health insurance funds are carriers of the statutory health insurance and have a right to self-government as corporations under public law. Certain framework conditions and the tasks are specified by the state. The health insurance funds assume responsibility for this, i.e. they are organizationally and financially independent, under the legal supervision of the state.

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Elderly care: information, types, financing

Most people only deal with elder care when the issue is unavoidable for themselves or a relative. However, in order to be informed in case of need, it is important to deal with the topic early on. This includes knowing what geriatric care is in the first place, what its goals are, and what different types of care are available. In this article, we explain the responsibilities of elder care and what you should know. For those who are interested, we also provide information on geriatric care training..

Elderly care: information, types, financing

Definition: What is geriatric care??

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Full inpatient nursing home care

Full inpatient care comes into question when people in need of care can no longer be cared for at home. Get round-the-clock support in care facilities. There is a wide range of nursing homes. Therefore, it is important to consider some criteria in the selection process.

At a glance

  • Full inpatient means a person receives care in a nursing facility around the clock.
  • People in need of long-term care receive assistance in all areas of their lives.
  • If you have a level of care of at least 2, long-term care insurance pays a subsidy. Residents must pay the rest of the costs themselves.
  • Residents of facilities providing assistance for people with disabilities (integration assistance) also receive a subsidy.
  • When choosing a facility, it is important to consider both professional criteria and personal needs.

Care in a home: What does full inpatient care mean??

Nursing facilities support people who can no longer manage their daily lives and care needs in their own homes. Full inpatient means that a person in need of care is cared for in a nursing facility around the clock and also at weekends.

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Road safety obligation: this is why it should be observed at all costs

If a passerby slips on an uncleared sidewalk in winter and breaks his or her arm, the owner of the property where the accident occurred may be held liable under certain circumstances. The basis for this is what is known as the duty of care.

In this article, you will learn what you as owner, landlord or tenant should know about this special duty.

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Sick on vacation – from travel health insurance to sick notes

Nobody wants to fall ill or have an accident while on vacation. Spending the most beautiful time of the year ill is not a nice idea. Especially not when it happens far from home.
We have here important tips and advice to prepare your trip and also in case the use of travel health insurance becomes necessary.

Public and private health insurance in other European countries

For temporary travel in the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, legally insured persons are entitled to all necessary medical services. This also applies to the chronically ill and to illnesses with a prolonged course that require long-term care.

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Former temporary soldiers and statutory health and nursing care insurance

Social security assessment of former regular soldiers

The Act on the Relief of Insured Persons (VEG) provides for certain regulations for temporary soldiers who leave their service in order to give them more generous access to a statutory health insurance plan. These regulations are also intended to support them in terms of contribution law.

Accession opportunities

For temporary soldiers who are 31 years of age or older.12.retire from their service relationship in 2018, Section 9 para. 1 sentence 1 no. 8 of the German Social Security Code, Part V (SGB V), which allows you to join the statutory health insurance within three months of leaving active service. The departing soldier must notify the health insurance fund of his or her wish to join the voluntary health insurance scheme within this period or. report. The health insurance funds have appropriate forms available for this notification. The temporary soldier must prove eligibility for membership by submitting the notification of the duration of his or her service relationship. If the voluntary insurance comes into effect, it begins on the day after the person leaves employment.

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Liability risks for it service providers: thin ice in case of project delays and data loss

Liability risks for it service providers: thin ice in case of project delays and data loss

Many IT service providers incorrectly assess the actual risks

The IT and cyber insurer Hiscox surveyed small and medium-sized IT service providers. One of the findings: The risk assessment of managers and executives does not match what the Hiscox claims statistics show as actual industry risks.

In other words, IT service providers underestimate what type of claim is most likely to be paid for. In addition, smaller companies in particular are often not sufficiently insured.

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How banks and insurers benefit from predicitve analytics

Today, many companies are benefiting from the diverse capabilities of AI. The auditor PwC wanted to find out via a survey how – and above all for what purpose – AI is being used, particularly within the financial sector in the DACH region. 45 percent of the decision-makers surveyed consider AI or. AI-based solutions to be an important innovation, but only nine percent also rate themselves as well-prepared.

How banks and insurers benefit from predicitve analytics
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Sleep apnea and digitally connected healthcare

The study: an observational study of more than 128.000 People with sleep apnea whose devices allow remote monitoring of therapy by the physician or the patients themselves via myAir, ResMed's cognitive behavioral-based patient engagement app for the web and iPhone®.

Findings: In a research study presented at the 2016 CHEST Congress of the American College of Chest Physicians, ResMed shared evidence that people who use online self-monitoring tools to manage their positive airway pressure (PAP) sleep apnea are significantly more likely to adhere to their therapy.

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