Category: Insurance

Going to the doctor in france

France and Germany share a border of about 450 km and have a lot more in common. France, the largest country in the European Union in terms of area, and Germany, with the largest population, are the engines that drive the community of 27 states. They are also each other's main trading partners within the European Community.

With regard to the health system and medical care, there are similarities between the two countries, but also differences, with quite complicated regulations on both sides of the Rhine. For temporary stays in France, such as a vacation in Nice or a business meeting in Paris, one issue in particular is important when it comes to seeing a doctor in France:

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Which insurances are important?

Which insurances are important?

With all the insurance products on the market and all the dangers to which our health, our safety and our assets are exposed, how is an ordinary mortal supposed to keep track of which insurance one really needs?? Put simply, if you've never heard of a particular insurance policy, you probably don't need it!

In this article, we provide you with information about which insurances are actually useful or even indispensable. To give you a quick overview of which insurances are important for you, we have divided this blog post into five categories: Insurance for

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Process mining: the x-ray machine for business processes

Prof. Dr. Volker Stiehl: To answer this question, I will use a comparison that process mining software manufacturers like to make, namely the comparison with X-ray machines. Just as an X-ray machine makes the invisible visible inside our bodies, process mining software makes the business processes in a company visible.

Process mining shows how the processes run step by step and in which order this happens. Thus, process mining is an approach for analyzing business processes. How does process mining achieve this goal?? By systematically analyzing so-called log entries to create visual flow models of processes. A log entry represents an event that occurs in an IT system.

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Support for children and families

211 assists parents and families with basic needs, including but not limited to housing, employment, health insurance, energy and food, and more. Dial 2-1-1 to speak with an information and referral specialist. Taking care of everyday needs is the first step to building a strong foundation for your family.

Quickly find the resources you need most. Some of the commonly requested requirements include the following:

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All about winter tires

All about winter tires

Greetings, I am a winter tire. You know me, because you might even have me on the axles of your car right now. Depending on the region, this would at least be good advice. But let's start from the beginning. Why should you bet on me? What makes me better in the cold season compared to summer tires? Where am I obligatory, where again not at all necessary? These are the questions I want to answer.

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Retraining via pension insurance

Retraining via pension insurance

The fact that retraining can also be handled through the pension insurance is initially surprising for many people, after all, the statutory pension insurance stands primarily for the protection in old age.

Old-age pensions and reduced earning capacity pensions are the central areas of responsibility of the pension insurance fund. The fact that vocational rehabilitation is also a focus of the pension insurance is often misunderstood.

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