Travel with hand luggage only – tips and tricks

If you are not traveling for a long time and possibly only staying away for the weekend, you can also fly without a suitcase and large travel bag. Like? By arranging the hand luggage systematically and sensibly. To travel only with hand luggage is a special challenge, but with a little organization and thought it is doable. It should be noted, however, that each airline has its own rules regarding additional luggage and there are no uniform laws for it. The appropriate mass, weight and number of permitted pieces of luggage must therefore be checked separately before each flight. The latter is also sensible and should not be estimated pi times thumb, after all, thick fees can quickly become due. Even low-cost airlines like cash in on this once in a while. To be able to travel really carefree, we recommend our tips for hand luggage packing.

Packing hand luggage correctly – tips

If you want to avoid surprising extra charges, you should make a packing list for your hand luggage before your flight. This should be well considered and in accordance with the guidelines of the relevant airlines. But how to pack the hand luggage without the airline complaining about it? First of all, it is important to limit your hand luggage to the essentials. Note the tips now mentioned for packing suitcases in a space-saving manner. A warmer jacket should of course not be missing on any trip. Who buys now a cuddly jacket for warm nights, should wear it during the flight. In the hand luggage suitcase it would take valuable space away, which could be used otherwise. The choice of clothes, jewelry or shoes should be chosen according to the days and the occasion of the trip.

It is important to pack wrinkle-free items at the bottom of the bag or handbag. Shower gel and co. Should be stowed in a toilet bag. At the top are now shirts, the night or beach wear and shoes. You could also use the interior of the shoes, perhaps by storing jewelry or socks there.

Travel with hand luggage only - tips and tricks


What is the best hand luggage?

Maybe now you ask yourself what kind of bag it should be for the hand luggage. The classical backpack or nevertheless better a rigid suit-case as hand luggage? It should be noted that a backpack usually has several additional storage compartments and is generally more flexible than a suitcase. Suitcases on the other hand are more stable and for many the more pleasant variant when traveling. However, even the smallest and lightest suitcases have more empty weight than a backpack. So if you want to travel with a suitcase as hand luggage, you should choose the lightest hand luggage suitcase you can find. Many suitcases weigh less than three kilograms and are perfect for carry-on luggage.

What should you look for when buying hand luggage suitcase?

It is important that the wheels of the suitcase, resp. Trolleys, are of good quality. Many of the suitcases have a light telescopic handle, integrated clothing pockets, removable laptop pockets and good quality workmanship. If you want to buy a carry-on suitcase, you should first get good advice and choose one that is as light as possible. Also, it is imperative to pay attention to the hand luggage suitcase mass, so that it also goes as such through the control. The backpack hand luggage is the suitable alternative to the suitcase hand luggage, – for all those who like it a little softer.

What may be in the hand luggage and what not?

Since the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, regulations regarding carry-on luggage have also become drastically stricter. To provide even more security in the future by classifying specific items as potentially dangerous. These are therefore not allowed in hand luggage. But what exactly should not be in the hand luggage? These items include, for example, baseball bats, needles or knives. The relevant guidelines vary within the airlines, so that some allow disposable razors in hand luggage, while others prohibit them. Even with a hairdryer in the hand luggage generally applies that this must have a certain travel size, in order to be allowed to go on the plane. The deodorant in your hand luggage should ideally be chosen in solid form, not as a spray or gel.

What about hand luggage liquids?

In general, flammable substances or corrosive liquids must not be carried in hand luggage, as they are also a form of explosive. What is considered a liquid? Actually, all that is in tubes or bottles and "leakable". However, creams or hair gels can go in limited form in the hand luggage with. How much liquid may in the hand luggage? Usually no more than 100 milliliters, secured in transparent, sealable individual containers.

May the pill in the hand luggage and is food in the hand luggage allowed?

In general, the answer to this question is yes, but you should carry a certificate for this with you. It must be listed that you will need them during your stay at your travel destination. By the way, this also applies to all other prescription drugs. German airports usually only require a prescription, in Austria you have to print out a template and have it filled out by your doctor. However, practice shows that there are no controls for such standard medications. Even larger supplies are allowed in most cases without problems in the hand luggage.