Category: Tips

Physiotherapy for dogs

Do you know that? – When your neck pulls and your back twinges, you're so grateful for the experienced hands of your physical therapist. Some targeted grips can already bring relief. What has long been a proven treatment method for humans has also increasingly found its way into treatment rooms for our four-legged friends since about the end of the nineties. Complementary to conventional medical treatment by your veterinarian, physiotherapy for your dog can be helpful for complaints of the musculoskeletal system. For which illnesses it can have a palliative, supportive or rehabilitative effect and in what way it does so, you can find out here.

What is canine physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy for dogs is divided into an active and a passive area.

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A practical tip for online success for beginners

A practical tip for online success for beginners

As for taking advantage of online income opportunities, many of us are procrastinators. Many of us have explored, actively considered or otherwise put off various options. Somehow, the final push you need to jump in has been missing. This has been going on for more than a year now. One reason was an unwillingness to embark on an unfamiliar venture without proper guidance and training.

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Travel with hand luggage only – tips and tricks

If you are not traveling for a long time and possibly only staying away for the weekend, you can also fly without a suitcase and large travel bag. Like? By arranging the hand luggage systematically and sensibly. To travel only with hand luggage is a special challenge, but with a little organization and thought it is doable. It should be noted, however, that each airline has its own rules regarding additional luggage and there are no uniform laws for it. The appropriate mass, weight and number of permitted pieces of luggage must therefore be checked separately before each flight. The latter is also sensible and should not be estimated pi times thumb, after all, thick fees can quickly become due. Even low-cost airlines like cash in on this once in a while. To be able to travel really carefree, we recommend our tips for hand luggage packing.

Packing hand luggage correctly – tips

If you want to avoid surprising extra charges, you should make a packing list for your hand luggage before your flight. This should be well considered and in accordance with the guidelines of the relevant airlines. But how to pack the hand luggage without the airline complaining about it? First of all, it is important to limit your hand luggage to the essentials. Note the tips now mentioned for packing suitcases in a space-saving manner. A warmer jacket should of course not be missing on any trip. Who buys now a cuddly jacket for warm nights, should wear it during the flight. In the hand luggage suitcase it would take valuable space away, which could be used otherwise. The choice of clothes, jewelry or shoes should be chosen according to the days and the occasion of the trip.

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When is the right time to change to summer tires??

The "O to O rule should be known to almost every driver. It says: winter tires should remain on the car from October until the weekend after Easter. For summer tires this rule of thumb should also apply – only then from Easter to October.

When temperatures rise into the plus range during the day in spring, many motorists wake their summer tires from hibernation. But the summer tires should not be mounted on the vehicle too early. Before that, it is important to take a look at the thermometer – or more precisely, at the lowest temperatures.

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Frugalists: how to achieve financial independence early on

Are you looking for new and innovative ways to save money? Then you should take a closer look at the frugal lifestyle. Frugalists are people who have chosen a frugal lifestyle in order to become financially independent at an early age.

It's not for everyone, but a frugal lifestyle comes with many benefits. In this blog post, we'll go over the basics of the frugal lifestyle and explain some of the benefits it brings. Whether you're just curious about what it means to live frugally or you're thinking about making the switch, keep reading!

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Headaches caused by neck pain – how to relieve the symptoms

According to the Roland Koch Institute, almost half of the population in Germany suffers from headaches at least once a year. For 10.3 percent of women and 6.5 percent of men, it's a tension headache, the cause of which is often in the neck and throat area. In many cases, headaches are accompanied by neck pain. The following guide will tell you how to prevent and treat cervical spine headaches and what causes the pain.

headaches caused by neck pain - how to relieve the symptoms
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Israel road trip: our itinerary (10 days)

Israel road trip: our itinerary (10 days)

It has been a while since I have been to Israel with my best friend. Although my travel diaries are all online by now, I don't want to keep the itinerary of our road trip from you. After we had informed ourselves, we quickly realized that a rental car is the only way for us to see everything we want to see – even if this has not only advantages. You can find more information in the last paragraph below. We booked all accommodations in advance and also reserved the rental car online beforehand.

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Saving money: tips for the motorist tax return

Everything becomes more expensive, only the income remains the same. This is the situation in many German households, which is why many drivers are now asking themselves whether they can still get a euro or two out of the driver's tax return. We have summarized the most important facts for you ..

Cheating does not count

Of course, one should not make false statements in the tax return, because in the case of false statements the courts do not understand any joke. Even an inadvertently incorrectly entered mileage of the distance between one's home and one's place of work can, in the worst case, result in a prison sentence of up to five years. Therefore, always pay scrupulous attention to the information entered!

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