Category: Tips

… In luxembourg. A declaration of love and a secret tip

A small Grand Duchy in the middle of Europe. No coastline, particularly high mountains or exciting monuments like a Statue of Liberty, Elbphilharmonie or an Eiffel Tower. But: fabulously beautiful forests. A great cultural offer. A capital city where on the one hand you quickly feel at home. On the other hand, you can literally feel the heart of Europe beating here.

"We are going on a family vacation in Luxembourg this year!"This sentence got me 95% of these reactions: a lame "A-ha", a puzzled frown, and the more courageous ones asked: "Really?? Why?"I thought so, too, before I went there a few years ago (read more here). Since then, Luxembourg has been one of my absolute favorite destinations. I immediately get shining eyes and rosy cheeks, when I only think of Luxembourg! And it didn't disappoint me this year either – making the country my absolute insider tip no.1 I'll be happy to tell you – but only you:

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