Category: Loans

Us versus europe with brexit: is regulation starving the us fintech sector??

Us versus europe with brexit: is regulation starving the us fintech sector??

In November 2015, George Osborne outlined his ambitions to make London the "global center for FinTech". This was a powerful statement made at a time of real global economic uncertainty: This uncertainty was based on low oil prices, China's fading growth, stock market volatility, and the emerging instability caused by the then-approaching and now dramatically failed EU referendum. Paul Jozefak, managing director of innovation lab Liquid Labs, explains the importance of the regulatory environment for FinTechs in the U.S. and Europe.

Managing Director Innovation Lab Liquid Labs

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Both equity and debt are used for closed-end fund financing. The ratio of both types of financing to each other is important

Closed-end fund financing primarily uses investors' capital. However, this is not sufficient in all cases to make closed-end fund financing possible. For this reason, some companies take on additional debt capital.

This makes it possible to take advantage of other tax benefits, but at the same time you have to pay interest and repay principal on these funds.

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Free credit cards with no annual fee – best offers 2023

Comparison of free credit cards without annual fee 2023: Advantages and disadvantages at a glance.

Free credit cards without an associated checking account are an interesting alternative to traditional credit cards, which are usually only offered in conjunction with a checking account. Many banks and financial institutions charge monthly fees for the combination of current account and credit card, which can amount to ten euros or more. But there are a growing number of providers that offer fee-free credit cards that can be used independently of a checking account.

In this article, we'll introduce you to eight no-fee credit cards that you can use as a complement to any checking account. We will look at the strengths and weaknesses of each card and give you important information about the terms and conditions. Because while many cards offer free cash withdrawal at ATMs in the eurozone, there are also cards that charge high interest if you do not repay the loan immediately in one go.

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How can i calculate my credit line?

How can I calculate my credit line?

The amount of your credit installment is determined by your personal credit limit, which is usually based on your income and expenses, but can also be influenced by other factors.

What is a credit limit?

Personal credit can be beneficial if used in moderation, but too much of it can also be harmful. The Consumer Credit Act prevents credit from leading to over-indebtedness by setting an individual credit limit based on income and living expenses. These expenses usually include rent, health insurance, taxes, and other essential living expenses.

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From “hilfskasse” to leading specialist bank for the social and health economy

From charity to social and health economy: as conditions change, the bank always stays on the side of charity.

When the "Hilfskasse gemeinnutziger Wohlfahrtseinrichtungen Deutschlands GmbH" was founded on 10. When the German Youth Welfare Act, which introduces the subsidiarity principle into social legislation, is founded by the welfare associations and the Wirtschaftsbund (Wibu) on March 1923, it is less than a year old. It strengthens the position of the Freie Wohlfahrtspflege, whose work is acutely endangered after the First World War: The grants and donations to the institutions have dried up, taking out loans is far too expensive – and at the same time the need for help among the population is as great as never before. The call for an institution that professionally handles the procurement, granting and mediation of loans to non-profit charities thus falls on open ears in the Reich Labor Ministry.

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A loan is a financing option in which a bank or other financial institution provides a certain amount of money that must be repaid in installments with interest. Loans can be used for various purposes, z. B. for the purchase of assets such as machinery or real estate, or for working capital.

How does a loan work?

A loan is composed of a principal amount and interest. The amount of interest depends on various factors, such as. B. The creditworthiness of the borrower and the risk the bank takes in granting the loan. Repayment is usually made in steady installments over a predetermined period of time. In some cases, variable rates can also be agreed upon.

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Robomarkets payment methods: robomarkets deposit and withdrawal with methods, fees, deadlines

Robomarkets is a Forex and CFD broker that has been offering its services since 2013 under the regulation of the Cypriot CySEC. The broker does this with great success thanks to favorable conditions; the company now has offices in 29 European countries. Thousands of underlying assets can be traded across eight asset classes, on three different platforms and with up to 50 accounts. Not only the trading offer and the enormous transparency with the costs justify the success of the offerer, but also the payment methods. Thus, at Robomarkets deposit and withdrawal are possible with 16 different methods, and: the broker takes over possible costs at the time of deposit!

  • 16 different payment methods
  • Many free procedures
  • Electronic wallets are part of the offer
  • Robomarkets deposit basically free of charge

Deposits and withdrawals: do not forget when choosing a broker

Forex and CFD trading is carried out by a broker who opens up the markets to his clients. In order to be able to trade, a real money account must first be opened and this must then also be capitalized. In addition to deposits, disbursements will also become important later if profits are to flow back to the private reference account. The payment methods offered by an online broker can vary widely, with innovative payment solutions and even regional payment service providers represented alongside conventional methods.

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Rewarding teamwork: a new level of employee motivation

At annual gala celebrations, certificates, bouquets of flowers and gratuities are distributed for the achievements of the best employees. The teams come away empty-handed here in most cases. But corporate success is rarely achieved through the commitment of a single person. In the long run, this system of rewarding the individual can lead to a decrease in commitment within the team. It's just not worth it for the individual to support the group. That's why you should think about strategies for team motivation at an early stage.

Rewarding teamwork: a new level of employee motivation
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