Keeping cats: 5 important tips for keeping cats

Keeping cats: 5 important tips for keeping cats

Cats are the most popular "pets" in Germany. This is not surprising, because they are playful, smart and curious animals. Many of them like to cuddle, purr when they are well, and love to romp and play with their human companions or conspecifics.

But even though they are cute and adorable – cats are demanding animals that need many things in their lives to be comfortable. Here are 5 tips and a checklist of what you should pay attention to when you want to give a cat a home.

1. An animal means responsibility

Cats can live over 20 years. If you want to share your home with a cat, then you must be aware of what a long-term responsibility this entails. Animals depend on you to take good care of them and look after them throughout their lives. You should always keep these things in mind:

  • You need fresh food and water every day.
  • When they are sick, cats need to go to the vet.
  • This can also be quite expensive, d.h. there must be enough money or you consider to take out a health insurance for animals.
  • Cats need a lot of love and attention so they don't get bored.
  • The right equipment and enough space – even a well-fenced balcony or garden will bring enthusiasm for your velvet paw.
  • Someone has to take care of them even when your family wants to go on vacation.
  • Even cats get bored when they are alone all day long. Perhaps the inclusion of another conspecific would be useful so that your cat is not lonely.

In addition, you should think in advance what character traits a cat should have to fit your family and you. For this you can ask shelter workers, because they know their charges best. Baby cats, for example, are usually very playful and quickly feel lonely if they have no other cats around them – for this reason, many animal shelters and animal welfare organizations do not place baby cats alone, but only in pairs. Older cats are usually calmer and cuddlier, they have already seen a lot in their lives and have their own distinct character. Weigh the pros and cons carefully and discuss them with your parents.

Keeping cats: 5 important tips for keeping cats

2. Making the house cat-proof

Cats love to discover new things. Depending on what the cats have experienced in their lives so far and how much time their home spends with the velvet paws, they can also live well in the apartment or in the house and observe nature from there. Enable them for it a place at the secured window, from which they can follow the happening outside curiously. Open your window only if it is secured with a net and nothing can happen to your cat.

Caution: Tilting windows can be life-threatening! If your cat gets into a tilted window, it is difficult for it to get out of it. Never leave them alone with a tilted window.

If you want to let your cat out, there are a few things you need to keep in mind, because the outside world holds many dangers for cats: It's best to set up a fenced-in area in the backyard or a secured, cat-friendly balcony where your new animal roommate can loll in the warm sun or enjoy the breeze on his fur to his heart's content.

Checklist for keeping cats

Here's a list of 7 things a cat absolutely needs in the house or apartment to be happy:

  • Litter box with bedding (at least two per cat)
  • Different scratching and climbing opportunities, z. B. at least one scratching post, which belongs only to your cat and where he can live out his urge to scratch. Here you can be creative: Many climbing possibilities you can build yourself together with your parents.
  • Free access to fresh, clean water (cats love flowing water, so try a drinking fountain).
  • Bowl for regular meals
  • Sufficient hiding places (z. B. Caves, pillows, beds, cats especially like to watch what's going on from high above. So how about a wall shelf with a box and pillow?)
  • Toys (whether it's a play fishing rod, catnip, a sisal ball, or a homemade toy, playing together strengthens your bond and is important for keeping your cat comfortable and balanced)
  • grooming accessories such as comb, brush and if necessary. Claw scissors (grooming is incredibly important, especially for longhaired cats). Otherwise, tangles will form and they will itch and pull)

Keeping cats: 5 important tips for keeping cats

3. Watch out: No poisonous plants

Make sure there are no poisonous plants in your cat's environment. These include boxwoods, daffodils, lilies of the valley, but also poinsettias and many more. If you are unsure, it is best to clarify together with your parents which plants you should better remove from your home.

Instead you can offer your darling for example cat grass. This is especially during the change of coat from winter to the lighter summer coat a very popular plant with cats. It also supports their digestion.

4. Learn to understand cat language

It is important that you know certain things about cats – this includes animal language. Cats, just like other animals, have their own way of talking to each other and to us. If you understand her way of expressing herself, you can see when she might be feeling bad, recognize when she wants to play, is hungry or just wants to tell you she loves you. If you understand how cats talk to you, you can quickly become the very best of friends.

Keeping cats: 5 important tips for keeping cats

5. Always adopt cats at the shelter

You are now aware of the responsibility of keeping a cat and that it will live with you for many years. You've also cat-proofed your garden or balcony and got all the things you need, from scratching posts to cat food. And you know how to recognize when a cat is doing well and when it is doing badly. In short, you have everything you need for cat ownership. But the most important thing is still missing: your four-legged friend! But where do you get a cat?

Countless cats end up in German animal shelters every year. One of the reasons is that feral cats reproduce very quickly. Secondly, certain breeds are selectively bred by breeders and usually just for the money. For the cats in the shelter, unfortunately, this means that they often have to wait a long time for a new family. Sometimes they have to spend their whole life in the shelter.

If you love cats, you can help them by adopting them from a shelter. If your family is thinking about taking in a cat, suggest going to your local animal shelter. There waits with security exactly the right cat for you. Spend a few hours there with the animals and see which cat suits you best. The shelter staff will be happy to help you with your decision and answer any questions you may have.

Keeping cats: 5 important tips for keeping cats

What else you can do for cats

Now you know best what you need to keep one or more cats. That is not enough for you? Then give a presentation and inform your classmates about the topic "pets" – there is a lot to tell about it. And you can tell about your own great experiences, how it was to adopt your own cat from the shelter.