Author: admin

Mental stress

Recently, there has been an increase in studies on psychological stress in the workplace, and terms such as stress, burnout and mobbing are on everyone's lips. Bus personnel are also increasingly affected by and exposed to mental stress.

Mental stress leads to more days of sick leave among bus drivers in public transport than in other industries. This proves z. B. the BAuA research project F2038.

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Retraining via pension insurance

Retraining via pension insurance

The fact that retraining can also be handled through the pension insurance is initially surprising for many people, after all, the statutory pension insurance stands primarily for the protection in old age.

Old-age pensions and reduced earning capacity pensions are the central areas of responsibility of the pension insurance fund. The fact that vocational rehabilitation is also a focus of the pension insurance is often misunderstood.

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Kfw 440: how long does it last?

Kfw 440: how long does it last?

Kfw 440 Wie Lange is a well-known and popular German song sung by many people in Germany. It is a very popular song sung especially by young people in Germany.

Kfw 440 How long

Kfw 440 is a program introduced by the German government to support companies in Germany during the Corona crisis. It offers companies a loan with discounted interest rates of 0.25% up to a maximum loan amount of 3 million euros. This loan can be granted for a period of up to 5 years. Since interest rates are low, companies can use these loans for investments to increase their competitiveness. This program has helped businesses across the country and will continue to help them as the crisis continues.

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