Damage settlement: typical potential hazards and how to avoid them


Damage settlement: typical potential hazards and how to avoid them


Regardless of other motorists, there are some other risks as well as external influences that can cause extreme damage to your car. Even through no fault of your own, it can be very expensive. Here's how to behave properly to contain sources of danger and what to consider for insurance claims processing.

Unpleasant encounters with wild animals

Especially in spring and autumn, you as a motorist are not alone on seemingly lonely country roads. On roads leading through or along a wooded area, special care must be taken to avoid collisions with deer, wild boar& Co. to avoid.

If an animal suddenly jumps in front of your hood, you should avoid risky evasive maneuvers against your intuition. As a result, there is a risk of driving into a ditch, against a tree or into oncoming traffic. An animal crossing the road can usually be scared away by sounding the horn, turning on your high beams is counterproductive in most cases.

If a collision occurs, it matters which animal you collided with, since insurance companies define what is considered a wild animal. To get damage to your car replaced, you need at least partial coverage insurance. In addition, the accident must be documented by a police report or the forester's certificate in order to claim benefits from your car insurance policy.

Extreme weather events

Thunderstorms, such as storms, hailstorms or floods, cause millions of euros worth of vehicle damage every year. Even if you are not on the road during a storm, you should make sure that falling branches or other objects do not damage your car. A safe shelter, such as a garage, is the best solution, but trees should be avoided. Damages are only covered by an existing comprehensive insurance, as the motor vehicle liability does not cover damages to your own vehicle.

Damage due to vandalism

While you can be prepared for the weather and encounters with animals to a certain extent, vandalism is unfortunately unpredictable. A trampled mirror, a dented door or scratches in the paintwork can be the consequences of rampaging fellow citizens. Therefore, do not keep valuables or important documents in the car. In order to cover the costs of an insured event, you often need comprehensive insurance, but depending on the damage, partial coverage may also be available.

Marten bites

Likewise, partial coverage insurance will pay for damage caused by marten bites. Please note, however, that consequential damages are usually not covered by the insurance. As a preventative measure, several options are available to keep the voracious pests away from your car, including ultrasonic devices or mesh mats.