Body fat – hypotheses on the development of obesity

Science knows and names many factors that are now held responsible as the usual suspects on the weight guardian's checklists for the production of belly fat and hip gold. Too much eat, wrong eat, too little movement, too much sitting, too much stress, always before the Glotze hang – each fat humans with the omnipresent social ostracism in the speckigen neck can this list probably already long backwards and forwards daherbeten. Unfortunately, the scrawny rakes that feed us all these thick lies do the math in this prayer-mill-like brainwashing not only without the host, but also without the wisdom of dadaist ecotrophology. With this shameful sin of omission must finally be an end. So here and now, let's discuss an amazingly ghostly cause of putting on unwanted corpulence, based on a demonstrable phenomenon we're all familiar with: the individual difference in weight between evening and morning, made visible on the scale. So get ready for some gruesome scenarios.

The night is filled with the fat of sleepers

There are many humans, who weigh themselves in principle only in the morning, because they can rely then on noting clearly more easily, than when going to bed the evening before. Other contemporaries, on the other hand, know and take advantage of the opposite effect: they know that the morning will greet them with a freshly put on kilo, and therefore prefer to weigh themselves in the evening after the efforts in the gym and after the deprivations of a deficiency diet. So much cheating must be allowed.

But how do these mysterious weight differences come about that affect one person one way and another another?? The interstitial world provides a disgusting explanation for this, but one that is nevertheless worth considering: fat migrates at night during sleep.

How is that supposed to work?

That does not go, that floats. It is postulated that there are fat senders and fat receivers, and that body fat (especially the disgusting white variety) tends to diffuse from senders to receivers. So that this paranormal play cannot be observed however, the fat exchange happens only at night in the sleep. While the fat sender slumbers peacefully, a kilo of flab is released from his hips, turns into flying fat and goes in search of any fat receiver, who is also just listening at the mattress and doing extensive eye care. On this recipient, who is as defenseless as he is unsuspecting, the flying grease attaches itself, seeks and finds its way onto the ribs and into the schnitzel graveyard, and turns back into a life preserver on the spot. When they both open their eyes in the morning, the fat sender is a kilo lighter and the fat receiver a kilo heavier. If you follow this chain of thought, there is indeed a window of time at night when the ether is filled with busy traveling flying fat. Truly not a pretty sight!

Help! I am a fat receiver! How can I protect myself?

Unfortunately, you can't change camps at will here. But of course you can avoid all those situations that could endanger your ideal weight. This means for all long-suffering fat recipients: either never sleep again or never climb on a bathroom scale again. In practice, it has been shown that the latter is much easier to implement and much healthier in the long run.