Technology helps people live in their own homes in old age

Technology helps people live in their own homes in old age

Theresa schiffl "most people want to be able to live at home until the end of their lives", said district administrator christian meibner at the opening of the traveling exhibition "9 x self-determined living in upper franconia" in the uppermain thermal bath.

Melanie huml, bavarian minister of health, pointed out the many possibilities that make living easier for older people: "we want people to think about it. There are now some really wonderful everyday aids. But: do people know that and how they can use it at home??"

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If you want to protect customers, you need data

If you want to protect customers, you need data

The analysis and use of internal and external data is not necessarily new to successful insurance companies. In digitizing products, services and processes, many insurers have the advantage of being able to draw on data collections that have been built up over many years. However, few succeed in analyzing this interconnected data holistically and visualizing it in a 360-degree view of the customer.

Customer-centric services also means fraud detection

This was the challenge facing Allianz Benelux. The subsidiary of the 130-billion-euro insurance giant Allianz, employs more than 2.000 employees, insures customers across countries in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, and has an estimated annual turnover of around four billion euros. After a series of mergers and acquisitions, the company faced the task of consolidating its customer data across multiple data silos. The aim was not only to improve sales efficiency, but also to gain a complete overview of customer risks, make forecasts for the future and thus improve customer service.

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Vacation planning: 44 percent of germans want to take a vacation despite corona

A current YouGov survey shows the effects of the Corona pandemic on the vacation planning of Germans. Most respondents have changed their travel plans. They are now either spending the summer in Germany or staying at home altogether. In mid-June, the German Foreign Office lifted the travel warnings for most countries. Nevertheless, a good half of Germans are likely to spend their summer vacations at home. A quarter of those surveyed want to vacation in their own country. This is shown by a recent YouGov survey commissioned by DEVK Versicherungen with more than 2.000 respondents.

After all, 16 percent travel within the EU. 35 percent prefer southern Europe – d.h. Italy, Croatia, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain. Central European countries such as Luxembourg, Austria, Poland or Hungary are also popular destinations (23 percent – excluding Germany).

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Survey: majority of germans in favor of lowering gasoline tax

Survey: majority of germans in favor of lowering gasoline tax

According to the survey, 78 percent of respondents are in favor of at least a temporary reduction in taxes, while only 16 percent are against it. Politicians of the black-yellow coalition government, however, rejected such a tax cut based on the french model.

Meanwhile, record gasoline prices are not deterring germans: 45 percent of respondents are not driving fewer cars in the face of increased fuel prices, according to a survey conducted by the opinion research institute TNS emnid on behalf of "focus" magazine. Only 37 percent said they would use their car less. 18 percent said they would generally not use a car.

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Physiotherapy for dogs

Do you know that? – When your neck pulls and your back twinges, you're so grateful for the experienced hands of your physical therapist. Some targeted grips can already bring relief. What has long been a proven treatment method for humans has also increasingly found its way into treatment rooms for our four-legged friends since about the end of the nineties. Complementary to conventional medical treatment by your veterinarian, physiotherapy for your dog can be helpful for complaints of the musculoskeletal system. For which illnesses it can have a palliative, supportive or rehabilitative effect and in what way it does so, you can find out here.

What is canine physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy for dogs is divided into an active and a passive area.

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Construction phase 9 improves conditions for patients and staff at the hospital

Construction phase 9 improves conditions for patients and staff at the hospital

In its most recent meeting, the hospital association of kulmbach awarded a number of additional contracts for the 8. Construction stage. The association is pleased that of the almost 94 percent of the work that has been tendered and awarded, there is currently only a 2.9 percent increase in costs for a construction volume of 35.6 million euros. District administrator and association chairman klaus peter sollner: "overall, this is an excellent result!"

The building works with a volume of 23.2 million euros even reach an increase of only 0.9 percent and with the work for heating and sanitary the zweckverband even assumes a cost reduction of 1.2 percent with tendered and awarded 7 million euros.

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A practical tip for online success for beginners

A practical tip for online success for beginners

As for taking advantage of online income opportunities, many of us are procrastinators. Many of us have explored, actively considered or otherwise put off various options. Somehow, the final push you need to jump in has been missing. This has been going on for more than a year now. One reason was an unwillingness to embark on an unfamiliar venture without proper guidance and training.

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Relief for parents of children in need of care

These support and counseling options are available for parents of children in need of care.

Almost all children with care needs are cared for by their parents at home. One of the special features of children in need of care, in contrast to senior citizens in need of care, is that children are to be accompanied by the care into a life as independent as possible. That's why care includes various early intervention measures – a time-consuming undertaking.

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