Legal protection for employees – it all comes down to this

Being right and getting right are often two pairs of shoes. Time and again, it is the limited financial resources that ultimately lead to the fact that a legal dispute can not be continued. This also applies if the chances in the next instance are actually not so bad. Legal expenses insurance ensures that even economically weaker consumers are on an equal footing with their counterpart in a dispute. In the event of a dispute with their employer, employees in particular are faced with the problem that the employer often has the longer financial breath.

Legal protection for employees and their families

Legal protection for employees and their families

The components of legal expenses insurance

The one legal protection insurance does not exist. The basic building block for this coverage for employees is the private and employment legal protection insurance. The private legal protection insurance takes effect, for example, in contract law. The new smart TV for 6.000 Euro is delivered damaged, the dealer refuses the exchange and insists on the full invoice amount. In the end, the matter goes to court. However, the private legal protection insurance also provides cover in the case of:

– Contract and property law
– Criminal cases (only if included: special criminal legal protection)
– Tax proceedings (not in the case of accusations of tax evasion, which would then also only be insurable with special criminal law protection)
– Bail benefits abroad
– Administrative law
– Family and inheritance law (important note: here it depends very much on the tariff, most tariffs only provide coverage for consulting costs up to z.B. 1000 Euro per year before. The best performance in this context is offered by the Arag Premium legal protection insurance, which is also significantly more expensive than basic protection tariffs. Maintenance cases in particular are excluded in conventional tariffs, for example; premium RSV tariffs such as Arag Premium, on the other hand, cover this up to certain maximum limits, at least to a certain extent.)

However, it should be noted that in the last point, the insurers usually only cover the cost of legal advice, not the dispute as such, except for just mentioned premium tariffs such as Arag Premium.

Employment legal protection covers the costs for proceedings resulting from the professional activity, for example an unjustified dismissal. But he also bears costs in proceedings arising from the activity as an employer for a home help or caregiver.

The possible extensions

One of the most popular points of dispute in the context of a tenancy is the apportionment account. Time and again, disagreements between landlord and tenant end up in court. This does not only concern the settlement modalities, but also whether the tenant has to make an additional payment if he only receives the settlement years later. Whether you are a tenant or a landlord, you are never immune to legal disputes, but you are immune to the possible costs.

Another possible additional inclusion is the special criminal law protection. This module takes effect if the policyholder has to face criminal proceedings. The reasons for this are manifold:

– A charge of tax evasion because a “tip” from an Internet forum was taken over unchecked.

– A criminal case for breach of supervisory duty because a volunteer exercise instructor failed to prevent injury to a child in the sports group.

– A charge of shoplifting because a packet of butter disappeared in the flap of the shopping bag.
The special criminal legal protection insurance covers the costs for the criminal defense lawyer.

The traffic legal protection insurance

This module can also be selected alone. In addition to legal disputes with a cause in road traffic, for example an accident, the insurance coverage goes even further.
The city of Kassel was an example that the speed traps do not necessarily work correctly. To prove this, however, requires an expert witness. The costs for this are in the five-digit range, but are covered by the traffic legal protection insurance. It also applies if, after the purchase of a car, it turns out that the vehicle has hidden and concealed defects, but the seller does not want to rescind the purchase. Trouble with the repair shop can never be ruled out; the costs of legal proceedings are borne by the insurer.

By the way, traffic legal protection insurance is not linked to the fact that the insured person travels by car. Insurance coverage also exists as a pedestrian or cyclist. This can be very important, for example, in connection with a traffic accident, if claims for damages are to be asserted against the person responsible for the accident or his motor vehicle liability insurance.

Real estate legal protection

This additional inclusion covers legal disputes in the capacity of tenant or owner of a property.
Examples of legal issues could include z.B. Be incorrect utility bills of operating costs or trouble with their landlord.
As a homeowner, this legal coverage makes sense because z.B. rechtluche disputes with neighbors, but also z.B. with the municipality (z.B. because of the property tax or fee collections, but also disputes because of the lease of the land, etc.) can arise.