Roller gets redesign rolling

roller gets redesign rolling

"It all started when an old roller was taken out of service. But we didn't want to simply dispose of them, says andreas schneider, head of the hoheim building yard. The roller was one of the first pieces of equipment in the building yard and had therefore been in operation since its foundation in 1968. Since the idea of sparing the entrance area of the building yard had been on the agenda for a long time, the idea of integrating the roller was born. "We have completely restored the old roller. First derusted, then primed and finally painted", explains the yard manager.
But the newly refurbished roller alone had not had enough effect. "Opposite of the roller was a simple green meadow. We decided to redesign it as well", explains schneider. To make it more challenging, the yard gave its three trainees the task of making the plain meadow more beautiful. However, there was no exact plan from the beginning, what goes where. How exactly the meadow should be spared, has gradually developed. Starting with a brick corner for flowers, it continued with the seating area and the placement of a rough stone that was found on the schwanberg.

It had to be perfect

and in order to give extra effort to the aspiring circle gardeners and trenchers, this project has been included in their intermediate exam. So for a week at the end of june, they applied every day all the individual steps they had learned in the course of training. "We used different types of paving, dug everything up and did various construction work. That was already", says philipp muller, apprentice to the district gardener. He particularly liked the construction of the paving circle in front of the seating area – even if it didn't work out right away. "We had to rebuild the pavement and start all over again", tells nico schmidt, apprentice to the tramp builder. It was important to him and his colleagues that it fit perfectly. The auand was worth it in any case, just because it remains forever. And the work was worth it: "without this task, I would have done worse in the intermediate exams", says nico schmidt.
All in all, the project was a complete success. "It was fun and something different", tells nico schmidt. Philipp muller is also enthusiastic: "that was a really nice exercise, also because it was so demanding." from a financial point of view, the costs were also kept within reasonable limits. "The materials were already there anyway," explains schneider, says the site manager andreas schneider. So the redesign only cost about 1000 euros, most of which was used to paint the roller. So in the end, a roller that had been taken out of service was the start of something really worthwhile that can still be seen in the future.