Author: admin

Targobank premium card

The premium card from Targobank is a credit card offer tailored for frequent travelers and people who travel frequently for business. For a basic fee of 88.00 euros, you get, for example, comprehensive travel insurance and attractive discounts. In addition, you get bonus points for every transaction made with the card. This can be exchanged for flights, hotel accommodation or rental cars, for example.

If you also use a current account with Targobank, you can withdraw cash worldwide free of charge at all ATMs with the VISA logo – as long as at least 600.00 euros are deposited in the account each month. If you do not use a current account with Targobank, you will pay 3.50% (min. 5.95) for cash withdrawals. In branches of Targobank you can do this free of charge.

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Age-appropriate living for a fulfilling evening of life

Age-appropriate living for a fulfilling evening of life

Many seniors are healthy and spry into old age. They naturally want to maintain their independence as much as possible. But as vision declines and bones become stiffer, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage daily life at home. In this way, carpet edges become dangerous tripping hazards and stairs become insurmountable obstacles.

Then it's time to make your home barrier-free and equip it with ramps, a stair lift, and other technical equipment. So that also older and movement-restricted humans must make no cutbacks with the quality of life.

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Four out of ten germans plan vacations

42 percent of Germans are planning a vacation this year or have already booked one. Just under one-third are still undecided, however. Important criterion for travelers: a plan B. The people who want to travel attach great importance to clear cancellation conditions and a money-back guarantee. This is shown by a recent survey of the auditor pwc.

Travel in the age of Corona is complicated. The desired destination is on the risk list, after the return trip quarantine threatens. And whether the vaccination will take place before the trip is unclear. A good 40 percent of Germans, however, are planning vacations for 2021 or have already booked them. For a quarter of Germans, travel is no longer an issue by the end of the year. They cite fear of Covid-19 infection as the most important reason (58 percent). These are the results of a survey of 1.000 people in Germany between the ages of 18 and 65 commissioned by the auditing and consulting firm PwC Germany. A comprehensive infographic with the results of the survey can be found here.

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Headaches caused by neck pain – how to relieve the symptoms

According to the Roland Koch Institute, almost half of the population in Germany suffers from headaches at least once a year. For 10.3 percent of women and 6.5 percent of men, it's a tension headache, the cause of which is often in the neck and throat area. In many cases, headaches are accompanied by neck pain. The following guide will tell you how to prevent and treat cervical spine headaches and what causes the pain.

headaches caused by neck pain - how to relieve the symptoms
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Israel road trip: our itinerary (10 days)

Israel road trip: our itinerary (10 days)

It has been a while since I have been to Israel with my best friend. Although my travel diaries are all online by now, I don't want to keep the itinerary of our road trip from you. After we had informed ourselves, we quickly realized that a rental car is the only way for us to see everything we want to see – even if this has not only advantages. You can find more information in the last paragraph below. We booked all accommodations in advance and also reserved the rental car online beforehand.

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When are damages caused by cats insured?

Around 14 million cats live in Germany: This means that the house cat beats the dog as the most common pet by far. Cats are self-willed and make their master or mistress also gladly times the servant, sometimes they drive also their mischief in the neighborhood. Damage caused by cats is not uncommon.

It is not uncommon for cat lovers to keep several animals, after all, there is nothing better than cuddling and playing with the sofa lions non-stop. Excessive cat ownership, however, can also lead to problems if cats are left to fend for themselves all too often. This is the case, for example, when the rented apartment is handed over to the landlord after moving out and the landlord has to complain about numerous damages caused by cats due to excessive use.

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Us versus europe with brexit: is regulation starving the us fintech sector??

Us versus europe with brexit: is regulation starving the us fintech sector??

In November 2015, George Osborne outlined his ambitions to make London the "global center for FinTech". This was a powerful statement made at a time of real global economic uncertainty: This uncertainty was based on low oil prices, China's fading growth, stock market volatility, and the emerging instability caused by the then-approaching and now dramatically failed EU referendum. Paul Jozefak, managing director of innovation lab Liquid Labs, explains the importance of the regulatory environment for FinTechs in the U.S. and Europe.

Managing Director Innovation Lab Liquid Labs

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Where doctors make the most treatment errors

The medical services of the statutory health insurance have presented the damage balance of medical malpractices. But only the tip of the iceberg came to light.

The medical services of the legal health insurance (GKV) presented recently for the year 2015 the balance of expertly uncovered treatment errors. In total, they went over 14.800 allegations of mistreatment after. In around one in four cases, this suspicion was confirmed. However, only the proverbial tip of the iceberg could be uncovered. The results are not representative, because there is no obligation to report treatment errors.

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What type are you? Banking and insurance job profiles

What type are you? Banking and insurance job profiles

You're interested in working in banking and insurance, but don't think you're cut out for it? We say: Yes, you are! Because this field doesn't just consist of one job, but offers a whole range of possible careers. For some you need a degree. Others are apprenticeships where your employer trains you. We have some job examples ready and are excited: Which profile suits you?!

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