What type are you? Banking and insurance job profiles

What type are you? Banking and insurance job profiles

You're interested in working in banking and insurance, but don't think you're cut out for it? We say: Yes, you are! Because this field doesn't just consist of one job, but offers a whole range of possible careers. For some you need a degree. Others are apprenticeships where your employer trains you. We have some job examples ready and are excited: Which profile suits you?!

Bank clerk

Profile: Your friends sometimes think you are crazy, but you like numbers. You like even more people whom you inspire with your competence and persuasiveness. You don't shy away from risks, but you know that they can be minimized through expertise and by weighing up the pros and cons.

In a professional context, you like one thing above all: opportunities for advancement. You see your job as a stepping stone and want to constantly develop yourself further. You are also confident in the use of hardware and software.

  • Type: apprenticeship – apprenticeship period three years
  • Field of application: Banks

Insurance salesman / insurance saleswoman

Profile: "He who has the damage doesn't need to worry about the ridicule." This is NOT your motto! You're a helper type and are there for anyone who needs your support. On the other hand, you can also be strict: If someone acts carelessly or even negligently and thereby endangers themselves, you have no problem telling them so.

What else? Oh yes, you're a structured guy, but not one who likes 08/15 activities. New challenges every day in a profession you are familiar with, that would be just your thing.

  • Type: Apprenticeship – apprenticeship period three years
  • Field of application: Insurances

Real estate agent

What type are you? Banking and insurance job profiles

Profile: Others like to admire churches, bridges, or even nature on a field trip. You are mainly interested in houses. And you want to know more about them, for example, who owns them and how much they are worth.

When you are not dealing with this subject, you are known as a very precise person. And as a person who has no fear of contact, not even with the authorities. Because if you fill out form 122 a instead of 122 c when you go to the authorities, so what??! Just try again, then it will work out with the nice gentleman in the office.

  • Type: Focused apprenticeship (possible focuses: property developer, broker, administrator) – apprenticeship period three years
  • Field of activity: Real estate departments of banks, real estate agencies, property management companies

Investment banker

Profile: Your favorite character in Disney comics is Scrooge McDuck, but you also have sympathy for the Beagle Boys. Because honestly, who doesn't love money? And who does not like to multiply? At least you do – and you stand by it.

Besides, it's fair to say, you were a real bright spark in school. Study? No problem and just another piece in the mosaic of your career planning! Career goal? A job that really moves you forward, and not a 9-to-5 job.

  • Type: A degree (in finance or economics) is required, often with at least a master's degree
  • Field of application: banks, insurance companies, management consulting, large corporations

Risk manager

Profile: You are neither a "stumbling over branches" nor a "spam mail attachment opener". Because you can smell any danger from a great distance, can always assess risks and also know how to control them.

In terms of work technology, you function both alone and in a team. You are IT-savvy, analytical and don't see problems, but solutions. About all these skills your environment knows, because you are also not at the mouth.

  • Type: Completed relevant studies or career changer, for example from the field of controlling
  • Field of application: banking and insurance, management consulting, industry, IT sector

New occupations in the digital world

What type are you? Banking and insurance job profiles

Digitalization is also leaving its mark on the banking and insurance sectors. Classic counter activities are eliminated because transfers& Co. can now be handled by customers themselves – via online banking. On the other hand, completely new professions are emerging in the financial sector.

One example is the IT nerd with process management skills. It can program and adapt algorithms on which most technical systems of banks and insurance companies are based. The "algorithm mechanic" works closely with the "digital process engineer," who, for example, prepares online banking to meet customer needs and implements standardized workflows. The customer advisor of the future will be called a "universal service advisor" because he or she will be able to use his or her communication and technical skills both in personal contact and in the digital world. And – fourth and last example – then there is the cyber security specialist, because the security of customer data is an absolute must in a digitalized financial world.

Good news at the end: For the new professions in the financial sector (and also the old ones), the classic apprenticeship in a bank or insurance company is still the best basic training and thus also the perfect stepping stone. You can find current vacancies right here.