Scholarship and distance learning

As an instrument for promoting gifted students, a scholarship is a voluntary form of financial support for students and also helps to secure financing for professional qualification during distance learning.

We present below 3 forms of scholarships with different objectives:

  • Further education scholarship (for young professionals),
  • Upward mobility scholarship (incentive for university studies),
  • Germany scholarship.

Both the continuing education scholarship and the advancement scholarship are part of the professional talent promotion program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, whereas the Germany Scholarship takes into account not only special academic achievements but also social commitment and hurdles in individual educational biographies.

Continuing education scholarship for young professionals (vocational training scholarship for gifted students)

The further education scholarship is intended to support talented and hard-working young professionals in gaining further qualifications following their vocational training and thus striving for new career prospects, including self-employment.

Funding level of the further education scholarship

For subject-related or. Cross-departmental professional development measures (z. B. Technicians, master craftsmen, and specialized business administrators) as well as part-time bachelor's or master's degree programs can cover the costs of measures, examinations, travel, and accommodation up to a maximum of 7 euros.200 euros, spread over 3 years, will be subsidized. The scholarship holder must pay 10% of the eligible costs of the measure as his or her own contribution.
An IT bonus of 250 euros for the purchase of a computer is also possible.

The subsidy is granted irrespective of income level, financial circumstances or possible maintenance claims and does not have to be paid back.

Requirements for a continuing education scholarship

Qualified graduates of dual vocational training in a recognized training occupation on the basis of the Vocational Training Act (BBiG), the Crafts Code (HwO) or in federally regulated specialist occupations in the health sector who are younger than 25 years of age at the time of admission to the support program (exceptions apply in the case of crediting of voluntary services or parental leave) can be supported with a further education scholarship.

At the time of application, applicants must be employed with a weekly working time of at least 15 hours or be registered with the employment agency as a job seeker.

Application for the advancement scholarship

As a rule, the local offices responsible for vocational training decide on the eligibility of the continuing education measures selected by the scholarship holders (z. B. Chambers of Industry and Commerce).

Becoming an academic with a scholarship for advancement

The program, which was launched in 2008, is part of the German government's "Advancement through Education" qualification initiative, with which the federal government is opening the way to more education and qualification in Germany, from early childhood education to continuing education in the workplace. The advancement scholarship supplements the promotion of gifted students and is intended to provide an incentive to women and men with professional experience, who have demonstrated exceptional talent and commitment in their training and profession, to take up academic university studies.

Requirements for the advancement scholarship

An advancement scholarship can be awarded to persons who have completed their vocational training particularly successfully (e.g., a degree from a German university or a German university of applied sciences). B. Average grade of 1.9 on the final vocational examination or. at least 87 points) and at least 2 years of professional experience are eligible for funding, regardless of their age. The company can also provide evidence of special talent, if applicable.

The advancement scholarship is primarily aimed at those who have acquired their university entrance qualification (Abitur, Fachhochschulreife) only after their training. Nevertheless, persons who have already obtained their university entrance qualification before or in addition to their vocational training are also equally eligible to apply.

If students have already taken up university studies, the 2. have not yet completed the first semester at the beginning of the selection process.

Funding amount of the advancement scholarship

The advancement scholarship can be used to finance an initial academic course of study – full-time or part-time – at a state or private university. state-recognized higher education institutions are eligible for funding.

For full-time students, the scholarship amounts to 735 euros per month plus 80 euros book allowance. In addition, the granting of a care allowance of 130 euros for children who have not yet reached the age of 10 is possible. have not yet reached the age of 18, possible.

In most cases, it is not possible to work while studying full-time. For this reason, funding is provided on a flat-rate basis and is not dependent on income.

Part-time students can receive 2.receive 400 euros for measure costs.

Application for the advancement scholarship

The Stiftung Begabtenforderung berufliche Bildung (SBB) selects scholarship holders on behalf of and with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research using an online-supported selection process and accompanies them during their studies.

Germany Scholarship

Since 2011, talented and committed students and first-year students whose personal background indicates special achievements in their studies and careers can receive the income-independent Deutschlandstipendium scholarship.

Amount of the Deutschlandstipendium

Students with a Deutschlandstipendium receive 300 euros per month for a minimum of 2 semesters and a maximum until the end of the standard period of study. Of this sum, 150 euros are paid by the state, the other half is contributed by private sponsors (companies, foundations, alumni networks or private individuals).

The scholarship does not count towards BAfoG and does not have to be repaid.

Applying for the Deutschlandstipendium

First-year students can apply directly to their university, provided that the university offers the Deutschlandstipendium and the students meet the admission requirements. This also applies to students from abroad. In addition to outstanding school grades or a bachelor's degree already completed, specialist prizes or awards, for example in "Jugend forscht", can also be taken into account. Here, the credits must be related to the chosen course of study.

Specifically, each university provides information on admission requirements, procedures, and the number of scholarships provided. This also applies to the subjects that are supported by the Deutschlandstipendium in each case. The law ensures that (earmarked) scholarships are distributed evenly among departments.