Saving money: tips for the motorist tax return

Everything becomes more expensive, only the income remains the same. This is the situation in many German households, which is why many drivers are now asking themselves whether they can still get a euro or two out of the driver's tax return. We have summarized the most important facts for you ..

Cheating does not count

Of course, one should not make false statements in the tax return, because in the case of false statements the courts do not understand any joke. Even an inadvertently incorrectly entered mileage of the distance between one's home and one's place of work can, in the worst case, result in a prison sentence of up to five years. Therefore, always pay scrupulous attention to the information entered!

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Trump intervenes in the case of nawalny

In the case of the poisoned kremlin critic alexei nawalny, the u.S. Government reacted with restraint to germany's findings.

Washington has not yet seen evidence of poisoning of opposition figure but has no doubts about germany's findings, u.S. President donald trump told a press conference at the weber house. "I don't know exactly what happened. It is tragic, terrible, we have not seen any evidence yet, but we will look at it."

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Process mining: the x-ray machine for business processes

Prof. Dr. Volker Stiehl: To answer this question, I will use a comparison that process mining software manufacturers like to make, namely the comparison with X-ray machines. Just as an X-ray machine makes the invisible visible inside our bodies, process mining software makes the business processes in a company visible.

Process mining shows how the processes run step by step and in which order this happens. Thus, process mining is an approach for analyzing business processes. How does process mining achieve this goal?? By systematically analyzing so-called log entries to create visual flow models of processes. A log entry represents an event that occurs in an IT system.

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… In luxembourg. A declaration of love and a secret tip

A small Grand Duchy in the middle of Europe. No coastline, particularly high mountains or exciting monuments like a Statue of Liberty, Elbphilharmonie or an Eiffel Tower. But: fabulously beautiful forests. A great cultural offer. A capital city where on the one hand you quickly feel at home. On the other hand, you can literally feel the heart of Europe beating here.

"We are going on a family vacation in Luxembourg this year!"This sentence got me 95% of these reactions: a lame "A-ha", a puzzled frown, and the more courageous ones asked: "Really?? Why?"I thought so, too, before I went there a few years ago (read more here). Since then, Luxembourg has been one of my absolute favorite destinations. I immediately get shining eyes and rosy cheeks, when I only think of Luxembourg! And it didn't disappoint me this year either – making the country my absolute insider tip no.1 I'll be happy to tell you – but only you:

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Support for children and families

211 assists parents and families with basic needs, including but not limited to housing, employment, health insurance, energy and food, and more. Dial 2-1-1 to speak with an information and referral specialist. Taking care of everyday needs is the first step to building a strong foundation for your family.

Quickly find the resources you need most. Some of the commonly requested requirements include the following:

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All about winter tires

All about winter tires

Greetings, I am a winter tire. You know me, because you might even have me on the axles of your car right now. Depending on the region, this would at least be good advice. But let's start from the beginning. Why should you bet on me? What makes me better in the cold season compared to summer tires? Where am I obligatory, where again not at all necessary? These are the questions I want to answer.

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Private equity as off-market equity

The term private equity refers to over-the-counter equity capital. This is equity capital that is not tradable on the stock exchange. This capital is provided primarily by capital investment companies that specialize in this venture. They are also called private equity companies (PEG). The capital is generated through various channels. As financiers serve banks, insurance companies and more rarely persons with a corresponding private fortune. The investment is mainly aimed at medium-sized companies, but sometimes also includes large corporations.

Private equity as off-market equity

Where to invest private equity?

Off-market equity is invested with companies that have a balanced risk-return ratio. Ideally, they have high or constant returns. The capital is usually spent only for the current business, an additional need for research or development of products is often excluded. A transaction of equity takes place by means of a so-called leveraged buy-out (LBO), i.e. a high proportion of debt capital. The leverage effect is that there is an increase in equity for the PEG. The only condition is that the return on total capital must be higher than the interest on the borrowed capital used.

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A battle plan for a house to be built in a short time

Vill or all d'Produkter, die hei prasent sinn, si vun eise Partner, die eis kompenseieren. You can see how close the product is to the market and how close the product is to the market. Wei ou emmer, dest beaflosst net eis evaluations. Ice Meenungen sinn eis eegen. Hei ass eng Lescht vun eise Partner an hei ass wei mir Sue verdengen.

When you've been in the military, the US Department of Veterans Affairs can give you a ticket to the Army. VA Preten erfuerderen net e Minimum Acompte oder Pretversecherung, a si hunn dacks mei niddereg Zenssatz wei aner Preten.

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