Tips Archives - Dsofksdfo Sun, 09 Apr 2023 22:52:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Physiotherapy for dogs Fri, 31 Mar 2023 11:34:32 +0000 Do you know that? – When your neck pulls and your back twinges, you're so grateful for the experienced hands

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Do you know that? – When your neck pulls and your back twinges, you're so grateful for the experienced hands of your physical therapist. Some targeted grips can already bring relief. What has long been a proven treatment method for humans has also increasingly found its way into treatment rooms for our four-legged friends since about the end of the nineties. Complementary to conventional medical treatment by your veterinarian, physiotherapy for your dog can be helpful for complaints of the musculoskeletal system. For which illnesses it can have a palliative, supportive or rehabilitative effect and in what way it does so, you can find out here.

What is canine physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy for dogs is divided into an active and a passive area.

Active physical therapy consists of movement exercises in which the patient actively participates. This often works playfully and with incentives like treats or toys, as the physical therapist relies on your dog's cooperation.

Passive physiotherapy includes methods with which the dog is treated without becoming active itself, while it lies on the treatment table or a pad on the floor. So that your dog can relax optimally here, the therapist works calmly and prudently and takes a lot of time, especially in the first sessions.

Methods of active physiotherapy

Goals of the movement therapy are muscle building, training of balance and mobility as well as the coordination and condition improvement of your dog. For the exercises there are various aids and devices.


Physiotherapy for dogs


On the treadmill or also in the underwater treadmill the musculature and condition of your dog can be trained up in a very controlled way. The speed of the belt and the training duration are first adjusted to the actual condition and then slowly increased. At the same time, the gait pattern can be optimally worked on in order to prevent incorrect strains. With most treadmills, an incline angle can be set to achieve uphill running. This trains particularly effectively the hindquarters of your dog. In the heated underwater treadmill, the dog additionally trains against the resistance of the water. Due to the buoyancy and warmth of the water, his joints are relieved, the blood circulation is promoted and pain-free movement is sometimes only possible in this way. Some dog physiotherapy practices also offer swimming in a heated pool, which is also a muscle building and conditioning workout that is easy on the joints. In the pool, your dog is supported by a life jacket. This also allows the therapist who is in the pelvis with your dog to control its movements.

For flexibility and coordination training, z. B. Cavaletti and slalom training are used. This means pole work: climb or meander, but always "slow motion". Nobody stops the time here! As you know it from human physiotherapy, the slow and controlled execution of the exercises is extremely important.


Physiotherapy for dogs


Also popular are pezzi balls, trampolines, foam blocks and similar flexible surfaces. Wobble or rocking boards also fall into this category. The pliable surface challenges your dog's coordination and concentration, which must compensate for movement through muscle tension. This training can be combined very efficiently with isometric exercises, in which the therapist builds up pressure with his hands on certain body regions of your dog, so that he must hold against it by tension of the musculature. In doing so, the therapist can work specifically on your dog's weaknesses by adjusting the pressure or even raising the forehand or hindquarters, without putting any stress on their joints.

Methods of passive physiotherapy

The methods listed here are primarily aimed at loosening tissue, stimulating blood circulation/metabolism, removing joint blockages and thus relieving pain. However, please do not apply these measures yourself without consultation, because there can always be contraindications, where an application can involve a health risk.

Cold applications we know from ourselves, z.B. for sprains or bruises. Cold has a tissue constricting effect, thus reduces blood flow and thus has a rapid pain-relieving effect in traumatic events.

Heat treatments come in many variations. Whether red light, grain pillow, hot roll – heat applications have a circulation-promoting and relaxing effect. This has an immediate positive effect on pain conditions and can be a wonderful preparation for further treatment methods.

Massage succeeds by means of different grip and stroking techniques and works deep into the tissue. Tension in the muscles can be relieved in this way. Massages can be both relaxing and stimulating, and can be performed not only with the hands but also with aids such as various brushes or hedgehog balls.

Manual therapy and passive movement relieves joint blockages, supports joint mobility and can be very helpful in cases of osteoarthritis.

Stretching techniques relieve tension and pain and support general mobility. They can also be used in the preparation of sport and utility dogs for their use, to minimize the risk of injury.


Physiotherapy for dogs


electrotherapy, magnetic field therapy and laser therapy affect the organism in many ways. Targeted use of their stimuli to relieve pain, support healing processes, stimulate metabolic processes and nerves. Maybe you already know a kind of electrotherapy – the small TENS devices have been available for years for home use and can also be used on the dog.

In addition to these classic physiotherapeutic methods, there are more specialized forms of treatment, which the physiotherapist can teach in appropriate training courses or in the training of the dog physiotherapist. further extensive trainings can learn: Manual lymphatic drainage, Dorn therapy, osteopathy, craniosacral therapy, as well as acupuncture, the use of leeches, phytotherapy, electrotherapy, magnetic field therapy and laser therapy.

When is physiotherapy useful for your dog?

If your dog suffers from musculoskeletal conditions, perhaps already in pain, physiotherapy treatment can be helpful. It can also be used prophylactically to prevent pain symptoms from developing in the first place, more about this below.

After musculoskeletal surgeries, physical therapy can aid in the recovery process and speed the dog's return to physical fitness. Whether it is a broken leg, an intervertebral disc operation, an operation for cauda equina syndrome, patellar luxation, a cruciate ligament rupture or a necessary femoral head resection due to HD – your dog can be efficiently helped after the operation with targeted physiotherapeutic applications. Also post-operative edema and wound healing disorders can be positively influenced by physiotherapy. After the immediate healing phase, the physical therapist can help build your dog's muscle and conditioning, as well as help him regain coordination. This minimizes the risk of future injury. We know it from ourselves – strong muscles protect bones and joints, it is the same with dogs.


Physiotherapy for dogs


Especially if your dog is suddenly confronted with a completely changed body statics, z. B. through a femoral head resection or even the amputation of a leg, you would do well to give him the opportunity to learn new movement patterns in a controlled manner and to rebalance himself before heading back out and over hill and dale. For dogs with such a physical handicap, a permanent continuation of the treatment can also be useful, for example in the form of home massages of the remaining, now more stressed parts of the body. This prevents tensions and therefore bad posture. Your dog physiotherapist will be happy to advise you on this and will certainly have one or two other tips up his sleeve.

Physiotherapy can also be used as a preventative measure, z. B. for mild forms of hip dysplasia, problems with the kneecap or to slow down the development of spondylosis and prevent herniated discs. By strengthening the muscles of the affected body region, a progression of the disease can be minimized. The reduction of overweight in dogs by means of adapted movement training also belongs to the area of prophylaxis. Sports and working dogs can be optimally prepared for their assignment through physiotherapeutic treatments, which reduces the risk of injury. Are you active in sports with your dog, maybe you do agility?? You can significantly reduce the physical stress on your dog if you know how to warm him up properly and prepare his muscles for the fast movements and jumps by stretching him. A physiotherapist will be happy to give you tips on this and show you some moves.


Physiotherapy for dogs


If your dog is older, perhaps suffers from arthritis or sudden sensory loss, or has survived a stroke, physiotherapy can help reduce pain, develop a new sense of body awareness, and significantly improve his quality of life.

Even in the case of paralysis, it is highly recommended to consult a physiotherapist, because with the various treatment methods, some paralysis symptoms can be greatly improved. On the Internet circulate wonderful videos of dogs who have managed with a lot of support to learn to walk again after a paralysis. It is always worth a try!

How expensive is dog physiotherapy treatment??

If your veterinarian offers physiotherapy, he will charge for it according to the scale of fees for veterinarians (GOT).

There is no fee schedule for non-medical dog physiotherapists and pricing is highly variable. Prices are usually in the range of 25-45 EUR per unit. The duration of the treatment sessions usually ranges between 30 and 60 minutes. The initial examination often takes longer than the follow-up appointments and is therefore usually somewhat more expensive. Some animal physiotherapists make special offers, e.g. B. Discounts on cards of ten or a flat base price plus additional special services that can be booked, such as laser therapy, magnetic therapy and electrotherapy. For mobile therapists who treat your dog at home, you may have to pay an additional travel fee, but some already include this in their prices. On the websites of the therapists you will find service descriptions and price lists.

Some health insurances for dogs cover the costs or at least a part of the costs for dog physiotherapy, sometimes only under certain conditions: exclusively as a rehabilitation measure after operations, carried out by a veterinarian. Please check with your health insurance company for details. A comparison of the special offers and conditions can also be worthwhile before taking out health insurance.


Now you have an overview of what canine physiotherapy can do for your dog. The primary goal is always to improve your dog's quality of life. Physiotherapy complements conventional medicine with effective and gentle methods. So that your dog can run for a long time untroubled at your side.

Successful treatment of your dog depends on several factors. You can find out what is important in choosing the right therapist for you and what you can do yourself during treatment to help your dog progress and achieve therapy goals in my next article: Tips for Successful Physical Therapy.

By the way, did you know that although dogs and horses make up the largest percentage of patients in animal physiotherapy, cooperative cats and small animals, and even birds, can also be treated?

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A practical tip for online success for beginners Wed, 29 Mar 2023 16:24:48 +0000 As for taking advantage of online income opportunities, many of us are procrastinators. Many of us have explored, actively considered

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A practical tip for online success for beginners

As for taking advantage of online income opportunities, many of us are procrastinators. Many of us have explored, actively considered or otherwise put off various options. Somehow, the final push you need to jump in has been missing. This has been going on for more than a year now. One reason was an unwillingness to embark on an unfamiliar venture without proper guidance and training.

However, there are several steps that are necessary to start an online business and be successful. We summarize them here and would love to hear feedback from budding and successful entrepreneurs.

Set goals and be willing to work hard

It's essential to take any online business with the seriousness it deserves. It needs to be nurtured and developed like any other business. You are on your own and need to set your goals realistically.

Take the necessary time, work hard to make the business a success, and only then should you think about vacations. Have a goal and be disciplined. Purposeful focus and discipline. Passion and determination. This applies to everything. What must be done, must be done. Once we understand what needs to be done and in what order, one must set about doing each and every one of these activities without procrastination! Successful people are successful because they are willing to do the things that need to be done.

Have a proper action plan and a fixed budget

An ounce of planning equals a ton of unplanned action. Plan a process before you take the first step, and you will achieve your goals much faster. A budget helps allocate scarce resources and forces you to separate the necessary from the wasteful. Spending wisely should be the mantra. Lack of funds for critical tasks, including marketing, leads to a sad business scenario. Plan your budget carefully and spend wisely. Learn from the successful people out there.

That doesn't mean you have to buy every book out there. Indeed, there are free options such as subscribing to newsletters and participating in community forums. Successful people are usually willing to share their knowledge with others, and it is up to the uninitiated to learn how to use that knowledge to their own advantage.

Don't spend money you don't have

This should be obvious. Cash flow is critical to running a successful business. You need money to constantly promote your business. Insufficient cash flow is one of the main reasons businesses get stuck in a rut.

The bottom line is that you should only buy what you can use. This follows from the above. Critically question whether an e-book, online course, or membership site is really a benefit to your business. Don't be fooled by all the hype surrounding a product. Learn copywriting skills. The Internet and the online arena are impersonal. The only way to build a relationship with your visitors and potential customers is through your website copy and other correspondence.

It is imperative that you develop clear, friendly and compact copywriting skills. It would be a good idea to invest in this area, as it can be of long-term benefit. Speed, speed, speed. This is where trends appear and disappear at supersonic speed. What was hot yesterday is outdated today, and the same will happen to today's hot products. You need to move fast and change faster. The rule here is: speed is money. Adapt to change, go with it, and you will survive. Immerse yourself in new technologies. As with trends, so it is with technology.

Welcome and embrace technology with open arms

For example, the written word seems to be on its way to being overtaken, today it is audio and video that must be adopted to attract attention. Incorporate as much as you can into your campaigns, and be ready to seize new opportunities in this exciting world!

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Travel with hand luggage only – tips and tricks Sat, 25 Mar 2023 10:43:31 +0000 If you are not traveling for a long time and possibly only staying away for the weekend, you can also

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If you are not traveling for a long time and possibly only staying away for the weekend, you can also fly without a suitcase and large travel bag. Like? By arranging the hand luggage systematically and sensibly. To travel only with hand luggage is a special challenge, but with a little organization and thought it is doable. It should be noted, however, that each airline has its own rules regarding additional luggage and there are no uniform laws for it. The appropriate mass, weight and number of permitted pieces of luggage must therefore be checked separately before each flight. The latter is also sensible and should not be estimated pi times thumb, after all, thick fees can quickly become due. Even low-cost airlines like cash in on this once in a while. To be able to travel really carefree, we recommend our tips for hand luggage packing.

Packing hand luggage correctly – tips

If you want to avoid surprising extra charges, you should make a packing list for your hand luggage before your flight. This should be well considered and in accordance with the guidelines of the relevant airlines. But how to pack the hand luggage without the airline complaining about it? First of all, it is important to limit your hand luggage to the essentials. Note the tips now mentioned for packing suitcases in a space-saving manner. A warmer jacket should of course not be missing on any trip. Who buys now a cuddly jacket for warm nights, should wear it during the flight. In the hand luggage suitcase it would take valuable space away, which could be used otherwise. The choice of clothes, jewelry or shoes should be chosen according to the days and the occasion of the trip.

It is important to pack wrinkle-free items at the bottom of the bag or handbag. Shower gel and co. Should be stowed in a toilet bag. At the top are now shirts, the night or beach wear and shoes. You could also use the interior of the shoes, perhaps by storing jewelry or socks there.

Travel with hand luggage only - tips and tricks


What is the best hand luggage?

Maybe now you ask yourself what kind of bag it should be for the hand luggage. The classical backpack or nevertheless better a rigid suit-case as hand luggage? It should be noted that a backpack usually has several additional storage compartments and is generally more flexible than a suitcase. Suitcases on the other hand are more stable and for many the more pleasant variant when traveling. However, even the smallest and lightest suitcases have more empty weight than a backpack. So if you want to travel with a suitcase as hand luggage, you should choose the lightest hand luggage suitcase you can find. Many suitcases weigh less than three kilograms and are perfect for carry-on luggage.

What should you look for when buying hand luggage suitcase?

It is important that the wheels of the suitcase, resp. Trolleys, are of good quality. Many of the suitcases have a light telescopic handle, integrated clothing pockets, removable laptop pockets and good quality workmanship. If you want to buy a carry-on suitcase, you should first get good advice and choose one that is as light as possible. Also, it is imperative to pay attention to the hand luggage suitcase mass, so that it also goes as such through the control. The backpack hand luggage is the suitable alternative to the suitcase hand luggage, – for all those who like it a little softer.

What may be in the hand luggage and what not?

Since the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, regulations regarding carry-on luggage have also become drastically stricter. To provide even more security in the future by classifying specific items as potentially dangerous. These are therefore not allowed in hand luggage. But what exactly should not be in the hand luggage? These items include, for example, baseball bats, needles or knives. The relevant guidelines vary within the airlines, so that some allow disposable razors in hand luggage, while others prohibit them. Even with a hairdryer in the hand luggage generally applies that this must have a certain travel size, in order to be allowed to go on the plane. The deodorant in your hand luggage should ideally be chosen in solid form, not as a spray or gel.

What about hand luggage liquids?

In general, flammable substances or corrosive liquids must not be carried in hand luggage, as they are also a form of explosive. What is considered a liquid? Actually, all that is in tubes or bottles and "leakable". However, creams or hair gels can go in limited form in the hand luggage with. How much liquid may in the hand luggage? Usually no more than 100 milliliters, secured in transparent, sealable individual containers.

May the pill in the hand luggage and is food in the hand luggage allowed?

In general, the answer to this question is yes, but you should carry a certificate for this with you. It must be listed that you will need them during your stay at your travel destination. By the way, this also applies to all other prescription drugs. German airports usually only require a prescription, in Austria you have to print out a template and have it filled out by your doctor. However, practice shows that there are no controls for such standard medications. Even larger supplies are allowed in most cases without problems in the hand luggage.

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When is the right time to change to summer tires?? Wed, 22 Mar 2023 13:15:00 +0000 The "O to O rule should be known to almost every driver. It says: winter tires should remain on the

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The "O to O rule should be known to almost every driver. It says: winter tires should remain on the car from October until the weekend after Easter. For summer tires this rule of thumb should also apply – only then from Easter to October.

When temperatures rise into the plus range during the day in spring, many motorists wake their summer tires from hibernation. But the summer tires should not be mounted on the vehicle too early. Before that, it is important to take a look at the thermometer – or more precisely, at the lowest temperatures.

Tip: If the nighttime temperature remains permanently above seven degrees Celsius, then it is the right time to change to summer tires.

If the night temperatures are still below the 7-degree mark, for example in the early morning hours, winter tires are still the better choice. Because of the lower natural rubber content, the harder rubber compound of summer tires becomes brittle in frosty temperatures. This is at the expense of optimum driving characteristics and thus driving safety in road traffic.

Why change to summer tires?

Summer tires are made of a special rubber compound that is optimized for warmer temperatures of seven degrees and higher. So the tire retains its optimal properties – both on dry and wet roads. At the same time, summer tires offer low rolling resistance due to their material composition and construction, which has a positive effect on fuel consumption.

In addition, summer tires offer further advantages:

1. Specially developed tread blocks reduce the risk of aquaplaning.

2. The surface structure with simple, solid rubber blocks improves road grip.

3. Due to their nature, summer tires have a shorter braking distance on dry and wet roads.

No ban on winter tires in summer

In winter road conditions, the German Road Traffic Act stipulates that winter tires are compulsory in certain situations. There is no such regulation for the warmer months, which means that anyone who wants to drive with winter tires in summer may do so.

Nevertheless, all road users have a duty of care in road traffic. Everyone must always adapt their driving style to the current prevailing conditions. If a driver violates this principle, his actions can be classified as grossly negligent in the event of a claim. This is the case, for example, if the driver with winter tires does not reduce his driving speed enough to come to a halt in time during a braking maneuver. At higher temperatures, tires for the cold season have a significantly longer braking distance than summer tires. If an accident occurs, the person responsible for the accident may be left with the costs of repairing his or her vehicle, because the partial or fully comprehensive insurance will classify driving with winter tires as "grossly negligent" classifies.

Tip: Quickly in accidents can be gross negligence. When taking out comprehensive insurance, it is therefore advisable to choose a tariff in which the insurer waives the "plea of gross negligence".

4 tips for the summer break for winter tires

Before removing winter tires from the car and storing them in the basement or garage, motorists should follow these tips. Here's how tires best survive their summer hiatus.

Tip 1: Clean rims and tires

First remove stones and other foreign objects from the tread. Then clean the rims with a special cleaner according to instructions. Rinse with clean water and let dry.

Tip 2: Check wheels for damage and age

The cleaned wheels should be closely examined: Are tires, rims and the rim flange undamaged? If there is still sufficient tread? A minimum tread depth of 1.6 millimeters is required by law; for winter tires, however, this should not be less than 4 millimeters for reasons of driving safety. If the tires are older than six years, replacement is also recommended.

Tip 3: Mark wheel position

After drying, the mounting position can be marked with chalk on the tires, for example, to know where they belong in the fall. For example with abbreviations like "VL for "front left".

Tip 4: Store with slightly increased pressure

If possible, spend the summer break with the tires in a dark, dry room – either on the floor, on a rim tree or on a wall mount. But before that, they should be inflated with 0.5 bar more pressure than prescribed.

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Frugalists: how to achieve financial independence early on Mon, 20 Mar 2023 11:31:50 +0000 Are you looking for new and innovative ways to save money? Then you should take a closer look at the

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Are you looking for new and innovative ways to save money? Then you should take a closer look at the frugal lifestyle. Frugalists are people who have chosen a frugal lifestyle in order to become financially independent at an early age.

It's not for everyone, but a frugal lifestyle comes with many benefits. In this blog post, we'll go over the basics of the frugal lifestyle and explain some of the benefits it brings. Whether you're just curious about what it means to live frugally or you're thinking about making the switch, keep reading!

What is frugality and why do people choose to be frugalists?

A frugal lifestyle isn't for everyone, but it can be a great way to save money and become financially independent at an early age. If you're curious about what it means to live frugally, or if you're thinking about making the switch, this blog post is for you!

Frugalism means frugality

Frugality is the quality of being frugal, economical, or economical in your use of resources. Frugalists are people who have chosen a frugal lifestyle to save money and become financially independent at a young age.

The FIRE movement developed in the early nineties in the USA and stands for Financial Independence retire early (FIRE). Behind this is the desire to achieve financial independence at an early stage and to lead a self-determined life with a phase as short as possible as a dependent employee and an early retirement. Keyword: retiring at 40. Frugalism and minimalism come with some advantages.

Advantages of a frugal lifestyle

One of the biggest benefits is that you can save a lot of money by living this lifestyle. You'll also find that you have more time to do the things you love because you don't have to work for unnecessary expenses.

Another great benefit of being frugal is that you learn to be resourceful. When you live frugally, you learn to use and make do with what you have. This skill is valuable in all areas of life, not just your finances.

How Frugalists live their daily lives to achieve their goal of financial freedom?

Frugalists live their lives very consciously. They are always looking for ways to save money and pay close attention to their spending. You have a budget and stick to it. They are also focusing on earning more money so they can save even more. Frugalists are always looking for ways to grow their money so they can reach their goal of financial independence early.

In what way frugalists save most of their income for asset accumulation?

Frugalists save in a variety of ways. They watch their spending and have a budget. They also focus on earning more money so they can save even more. In addition, frugalists save money by living a simple lifestyle. You don't spend money on unnecessary things and focus on enjoyable experiences rather than material possessions.

What are the challenges of a frugal lifestyle?

One of the challenges of a frugal lifestyle is that it can be difficult to stick to it. Because it is easy to spend money on unnecessary things.

  • Saving money
  • Become financially independent at an early age
  • To lead a simpler lifestyle.

How to become a frugalist – tips and tricks to spend less money and still enjoy life

  • Create a budget and stick to it: This is probably the most important tip. You need to be aware of your expenses so that you can make adjustments as needed.
  • Focus on earning: One way to save money is to earn more money. Focus on earning more so you have more money to save or invest.
  • Live a simple lifestyle: you don't need all the bells and whistles to enjoy life. Keep your lifestyle simple and focus on enjoyable experiences rather than material possessions.
  • Be resourceful: when you live frugally, you learn to use what you have and make do with what you have. This skill is valuable in all areas of life, not just your finances.
  • Have a goal: If you have a specific goal in mind, you will stay motivated to maintain your frugal lifestyle.

Case studies of successful frugalists who reached retirement at 40 or earlier frugalism

The following are two case studies of frugalists who achieved their goal of financial independence early on.

Case study: Tim Ferriss, early retirement and financial independence at 37

Tim Ferriss is an American author, entrepreneur and investor. He is best known for his book, "The 4-Hour Work Week," in which he explores the idea of building a business to achieve early retirement and financial independence.

Ferriss grew up in a middle-class family and was always interested in making money. While still in college, he started his first business selling supplements door-to-door. He then worked in various sales and marketing jobs. In 2001, he started an Internet company called BrainQUICKEN, which he eventually sold for $1 million.

In 2007, Ferriss published "The 4-Hour Workweek". In the book, Ferriss advocates a lifestyle of leisure and freedom achieved by building a business that gives you the time and financial freedom you need to enjoy life. He gives readers concrete tools and strategies to achieve this lifestyle.

Ferriss himself followed the principles described in his book and was able to retire at age 37. He attributes his early retirement to his frugal lifestyle. For example, he moved into an inexpensive apartment in San Francisco and sold his car.

Case study: Tanja Hester, early retirement and financial independence at 38

Tanja Hester is an American author, blogger and podcaster. She is best known for her book, "Work Optional: Retire Early Without Pennies," in which she explores the idea of starting a business to achieve early retirement and financial independence.

Hester also grew up in a middle-class family and has always been interested in personal finance. While still in college, she started her first business selling used books door-to-door. She then worked in a variety of sales and marketing jobs.

In her early 30s, Hester began saving aggressively for retirement. In addition to saving money, she also made sure to live below her means. For example, she drove a used car and lived in a modest apartment.

By age 38, Hester had saved enough money to retire. Thanks to her frugal lifestyle and disciplined savings habits, she was able to become financially independent and retire early.

A brief interim summary of the case studies

If you want to achieve early retirement and financial independence like Ferriss and Hester, it's important to start saving early.

Also, you should live and invest below your means so you can save more money. Finally, you can start a business to earn extra income and accelerate your path to financial independence.

How to make your money work for you so you can achieve early financial independence without much effort?

  • Invest in income-producing assets with a good return: one way to make your money work for you is to put it in assets that generate income. These can be investments in real estate, stocks, bonds, and other investments that generate passive income. Good investment skills are important for frugalists over the years.
  • Saving: Another way to make your money work for you is to simply save it. You can do this by setting aside a certain percentage of your income each month or investing it in a long-term goal, such as early retirement.
  • Live below your means: If you want to become financially independent, it's important that you live below your means. This means that you spend less than you earn. So you can make euro save.

If you follow these tips, you can make your money work for you and achieve financial independence. Remember that it will take time and discipline to achieve this goal, but it is possible with a little effort.

What are the benefits of living frugally, aside from early financial independence?

Being a Frugalist has many benefits, including:

  • Saving Money: One of the biggest benefits of being a frugalist is that you can save a lot of money on. If you live below your means and are disciplined with your spending, you can set aside a large portion of your income each month.
  • Reduce debt: Another benefit of being a frugalist is that you can reduce your debt. If you live below your means and watch your spending, you can pay off your debt faster. How to save money in the long run and become financially independent faster.
  • You'll improve your health: living frugally will also improve your physical and mental health. If you live below your means, you will have less stress about money. This can lead to a healthier lifestyle overall.

There are many benefits to being frugal. These are just some of the benefits that can help you become financially independent.

The challenges of being a frugalist and how to overcome them

  • Create a budget and stick to it. Here's how to track your spending and make sure you're living within your means.
  • Focus on earning. One of the best ways to save money is to focus on earning more money. You can do this by taking a better-paying job, picking up a second job, or investing in income-producing assets.
  • Cut unnecessary expenses. Look at your expenses and find out where you can cut back. Are there expenses you can well do without? If so, cross them off and save yourself some money.
  • Be patient. It takes time to save money and achieve financial independence. Don't expect to achieve it overnight. Be patient and focus on your long-term goals.

With a little effort, you can overcome the challenges of being frugal. Remember to be patient and focus on your long-term goals of financial freedom.

Are there disadvantages to consider before deciding to become a frugalist??

Frugalism also comes with some downsides that not everyone wants to put up with. The downsides of being a frugal person:

  • You may have to give up some luxuries
  • You may have to lead a simpler lifestyle
  • It can be difficult to stick to your budget.

Living as a frugalist, where you save up to 80 percent of your income, isn't for everyone.

How to become a frugalist if you're not yet living frugally?

If you're not able to live a completely frugal lifestyle, what partial steps can you take to save money anyway?

Create a budget and keep a budget book

Creating a budget is one of the most important things you can do if you want to save money. It helps you track your spending and find areas where you can cut back.

Here are some tips for creating a budget:

  • Start by tracking your expenses for a month. This will give you an idea of where your money is going.
  • Then create a budget based on your income and expenses. Make sure you include savings in your budget.
  • Finally, you should stick to your budget. Review it regularly to make sure you're on track.

Frugalists save

One of the best ways to save money is to create a savings plan. Here's what you can do by setting aside money to save each month. You can also set up a savings account and have money automatically transferred to this account every month. But you can always adjust your savings rate to your possibilities.

  • Start with a small amount. Even $20 a month can add up over time with compound interest.
  • Make it automatic. Set up a savings plan so that money is automatically deposited into your savings account each month.
  • Pay yourself first. When you get paid, put some money in your account immediately. This way you are less likely to spend it.
  • Save your luck. If you get a bonus at work or a tax refund, put it in your savings account.
  • Live below your means. One of the best ways to save money is to live below your means. If you spend less than you earn, you will be able to save money every month.


Investing is another good way to save money. When you invest, you are putting your money into something that has the potential to grow over time. This can help you reach your financial goals faster.

  • Start with a small amount. You do not need a lot of money to start investing.
  • Choose an investment plan that fits your goals and needs. There are many different types of investment plans (stock savings plans, savings plan for ETFs) from which you can choose.
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help. If you are not sure how to invest your money, seek advice from a financial advisor (preferably an independent fee-based advisor).
  • Stay disciplined. When you start investing, stick to your plan. Do not let emotions guide your investment decisions.

It will pay off in the end

These are just a few tips on how to become a frugalist. If you are serious about saving, there are many things you can do to change your lifestyle and become more frugal. It's not easy to get used to a new lifestyle, but it will be worth it in the end when you reach your financial goals.

Bottom line: frugalists do without and build wealth to get to where they want to be by age 40

If you want to be financially independent at a young age, you have to become a frugalist. This means that you live a frugal life from today so that you can save as much money as possible. If you follow the simple tips we've presented in this article, you can start putting money aside for a rainy day – or for that early retirement you've always dreamed about.

What are the ways you can reduce your expenses and save more money?? Let us know in the comments! Remember, the more money you save now, the sooner you will be able to achieve your financial goals. What are you waiting for? Start saving today!

Thanks for reading! I hope this article has helped you understand how to make your money work for you. Remember that it takes time and discipline to achieve financial independence, but with a little effort it is possible.

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Headaches caused by neck pain – how to relieve the symptoms Tue, 14 Mar 2023 13:25:51 +0000 According to the Roland Koch Institute, almost half of the population in Germany suffers from headaches at least once a

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According to the Roland Koch Institute, almost half of the population in Germany suffers from headaches at least once a year. For 10.3 percent of women and 6.5 percent of men, it's a tension headache, the cause of which is often in the neck and throat area. In many cases, headaches are accompanied by neck pain. The following guide will tell you how to prevent and treat cervical spine headaches and what causes the pain.

headaches caused by neck pain - how to relieve the symptoms

What are the types of headaches?

A distinction must be made between primary and secondary headaches. While secondary headaches occur due to another condition, such as a head injury or infectious disease, primary headaches are considered a separate condition. The cause of primary headaches is not clear. Tension headache, migraine and cluster headache are primary headaches.

What are the causes of tension headaches?

Most suffer from tension headaches, which result from problems in the area of the cervical spine. Often, the pain that does not arise in the head itself, but due to changes or muscle tension in the cervical spine, is called a cervicogenic headache.

The pain is caused by impairment of the cervical spine and radiates from the back to the back of the head, forehead or other areas of the head. In some cases, sufferers adopt a protective posture due to the tension, which then causes further discomfort. The reason for the radiating pain is nerve pathways that run through the neck and shoulder area in the cervical vertebrae and into the head. Under certain circumstances the pain radiates into the arms.


Under circumstances the neck tensions originate from a mattress which is too hard or too soft. Check that you are really comfortable and relaxed and that the mattress distributes your weight optimally without stressing your spine.

Dysfunction of the jaw or chewing muscles, known as craniomandibular dyfuncton (CMD), can also promote muscle tension and thus trigger headaches. Especially patients who suffer from bruxism and often grind their teeth unconsciously are often affected by neck pain.

How do neck pain headaches differ from migraines?

A migraine is usually accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to noise and sound. In addition, the pain typical of migraine often occurs only on one side. In contrast to the pressing tension headache, migraine pain is throbbing, physical activities are not possible during a migraine. If you suffer from headaches caused by neck pain, exercise is often helpful and can relieve the discomfort.

In our guidebook "The best home remedies for headaches& Migraine" you can learn more about the topic.

Tension headache – which doctor makes the diagnosis?

Ideally, first contact your family doctor, who may consult a colleague. Possible referrals to a neurologist, a pain therapist or an orthopedist. If the tension possibly results from a malposition or overload of the temporomandibular joints, a dentist can support treatment.

  • Localization of the pain
  • Character of the pain
  • Pain intensity
  • Duration and timing of pain
  • Increase or decrease in pain with physical exertion

For further diagnosis, doctors may rely on imaging techniques such as an MRI to analyze the cause of the headaches.

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Israel road trip: our itinerary (10 days) Tue, 14 Mar 2023 08:04:30 +0000 It has been a while since I have been to Israel with my best friend. Although my travel diaries are

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Israel road trip: our itinerary (10 days)

It has been a while since I have been to Israel with my best friend. Although my travel diaries are all online by now, I don't want to keep the itinerary of our road trip from you. After we had informed ourselves, we quickly realized that a rental car is the only way for us to see everything we want to see – even if this has not only advantages. You can find more information in the last paragraph below. We booked all accommodations in advance and also reserved the rental car online beforehand.

Tel Aviv – Mitzpe Ramon – Eilat

After we landed late in the evening in Tel Aviv and after waiting for what felt like an eternity we finally got our car and went to an accommodation near the airport. The next day we had the first longer trip – from Tel Aviv we went to Mitzpe Ramon and from there to Eilat. The first part of the trip took about two and a half hours, because we wanted to avoid the toll Highway 6 and therefore had to take a little detour. In addition, it was relatively crowded on the highway, because at the same time a bicycle race was taking place, which also went over the highway and one lane was closed for it. In Mitzpe Ramon we had a long break before we continued through the desert to Eilat. The part of the route took forever – partly we were the only car far and wide, and the road just didn't end anymore. Fortunately, we can always have a good time and so this eternal drive ended at some point. In retrospect, I would have planned one night in Mitzpe Ramon and even skipped Eilat completely. You can find the travel diaries and my tips for Israel here.

Eilat – Jerusalem

From Eilat we went after only one night again in the direction of Jerusalem. After Eilat has disappointed me rather, Jerusalem has inspired me for it all the more! The drive went again via Mitzpe Ramon and took forever, again we avoided Highway 6. In Jerusalem we had problems to find a parking place for our car, and when we finally found a free place, we decided to postpone the trip to the Dead Sea for one more day. In any case, there is enough to do in Jerusalem and our Airbnb with roof terrace was the perfect starting point for the next days.

Jerusalem – Dead Sea – Jerusalem

Of course we also wanted to visit the Dead Sea and the Massada Fortress – but we decided to do a day trip. In retrospect I would have liked to stay overnight here, maybe on the way back from Mitzpe Ramon. From Jerusalem, it is best to drive through the West Bank, or you have to make a detour – but since this is usually not allowed with a rental car, we cleared it with the company beforehand. As long as you stay on the road and don't make any stops, it shouldn't be a problem.

Israel road trip: our itinerary (10 days)

Jerusalem – Haifa

From Jerusalem we went to the north of Israel – to Haifa. Here we planned to stay three nights, and that was a good decision too. We would have liked to do some excursions in the surrounding area, but this was not possible due to the political situation, as there was a travel warning at that time. We therefore limited ourselves to an excursion to Akko and a lot of time on the beach.

Israel road trip: our itinerary (10 days)

Haifa – Tel Aviv

At the very end we wanted to visit Tel Aviv, even though we had heard several times that the city is not really worth it. After we were at the beach in Haifa until noon, we drove to Tel Aviv, definitely the shortest route on our road trip through Israel. After we tested the beach and explored the old town, we had to go to the airport again the next day. In retrospect, I would have liked to have spent a second night in Tel Aviv to see more of the city, even outside the walls of the Old City.

Israel road trip – is it worth it?

Yes, definitely! For us, the decision to rent a car was one of the best we made. This way we could easily fit in all the stops, plus it was the only option to really be able to look at everything in the short time we had in Israel. We reserved the car online beforehand – definitely a good idea, because at the counters at the airport some people were turned away who didn't have a reservation and so we saved a lot of money. In general, Israel is relatively expensive, so it certainly makes sense to inform yourself beforehand. In addition, you can be sure that all insurances are included and you do not have to buy expensive additional insurances on site.

Israel road trip: our itinerary (10 days)

A big disadvantage when traveling by car in Israel: parking. Not only because it is naturally more crowded in the big cities, but especially because the only options for tourists are the free parking lots or parking garages. Those who stand in a paid parking lot are simply out of luck in most cases, because often you can only pay with an app that you can only use with an Israeli social security number. Only in rare cases is there a parking machine somewhere nearby where you can get a parking ticket in the normal way. In Jerusalem and Haifa we were really lucky to find a free parking place directly in front of our accommodation and in Tel Aviv we finally drove into a parking garage. However, if you want to stand here longer, you have to expect relatively high costs.

Have you ever been to Israel? Where exactly were you on the road and what did you particularly like about it??

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Tax tips at the end of the year Tue, 21 Feb 2023 14:46:41 +0000 At the end of the year, it can be worthwhile to check expenses such as expensive dentures, expenses for craftsmen

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Tax tips at the end of the year

At the end of the year, it can be worthwhile to check expenses such as expensive dentures, expenses for craftsmen or the profession for their tax effect. First, ask yourself which items will bring a tax deduction for 2021 so far. Then it can be decided whether costs should be bundled, brought forward or postponed.

Tip 1: Job expenses

If your expenses for the job have already reached the level of the income-related expenses lump sum of 1000 euros, you can save additional taxes with each additional job-related investment. If you want to claim income-related expenses of more than 1000 euros for 2021, you must be able to prove each individual expense. Purchases such as work materials, computers, technical literature or training, relocation and travel costs are immediately deductible in full up to a net amount of 800 euros. For more expensive items, split the cost over the years of expected useful life.

Expenses related to the work computer can now be deducted from taxes in full in the year of purchase, regardless of the purchase price. The useful life of PCs, peripheral devices such as printers and monitors, and software has been reduced to one year. It is no longer necessary to split the acquisition costs.

Use Stiftung Warentest's tax savings calculator to find out how much tax savings additional job costs will bring you.

Tip 2: Optimize income tax bracket

In principle, spouses and registered partners can change their tax class without limit each year up to 30. Change November. If the partners earn almost the same amount, a combination of classes IV/IV is usually recommended, with a factor if required. In the case of different incomes, it is often worthwhile to place the higher earner in the more favorable tax class III and the partner in class V.

If a spouse is expecting wage replacement benefits in the next year, such as parental, unemployment or short-time working benefits, the spouse should choose Class III. The last net income is decisive for the amount of the wage replacement and this is highest in tax class III, because less taxes are deducted. Although the other partner in tax class V must initially accept higher deductions than before, he gets them back through the tax return. For a high parental allowance according to tax class III, pregnant women must have applied to the tax office for a change of tax class, as a rule seven months before the calendar month in which their maternity leave will begin.

You can use the Federal Ministry of Finance's wage and income tax calculator to check how you can optimize your tax classes.

Tip 3: Bundle health care costs

Health care costs that are not paid by health or long-term care insurance may be deducted by taxpayers as extraordinary expenses. However, they only have an effect for tax purposes if they exceed a reasonable personal contribution. It is between 1 and 7 percent of total income – depending on income, marital status and number of children. The amount of the personal contribution can be calculated with the online calculator of Stiftung Warentest.

Health and care costs that are medically necessary are recognized: Medicines, aids and recognized therapies prescribed by a doctor. It makes sense to bundle expenses in order to either be able to claim them all this year or to postpone them to the next year. The date of payment is always decisive.

Tip 4: Postpone tradesmen's work

The tax authorities will contribute 20 percent of wage, travel and machine costs in tradesmen's invoices up to EUR 6,000. Condition: An official invoice plus transfer voucher from this year can be presented to the tax authorities. Those who exceed the maximum amount of 1200 euros should postpone technically unnecessary repairs to the next year.

Tip 5: Deduct donations

Advent is the time for donations. Donors can claim up to 20 percent of the total amount of their income in their tax return. Beneficiaries are donations to charitable, ecclesiastical or benevolent organizations. Smaller donations up to 300 euros are recognized by the tax office without a donation receipt; the bank statement is sufficient.

You can use the Stiftung Warentest donation calculator to find out how much tax you can save with your donation.

Tip 6: Check exemption orders

Those who do not have an exemption order pay 25 percent on interest income. Therefore, especially at the end of the year, one should take a look at existing exemption orders. Income from interest and other investment income is tax-free up to the savers' lump sum – 801 euros for single persons and 1602 euros for married persons. Savers or investors who have several accounts or securities accounts should divide this amount according to the interest accruing there in each case. That saves later the plant KAP to the income tax return, in order to get back the Abgeltungsteuer paid too much.

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Saving money: tips for the motorist tax return Mon, 13 Feb 2023 06:52:01 +0000 Everything becomes more expensive, only the income remains the same. This is the situation in many German households, which is

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Everything becomes more expensive, only the income remains the same. This is the situation in many German households, which is why many drivers are now asking themselves whether they can still get a euro or two out of the driver's tax return. We have summarized the most important facts for you ..

Cheating does not count

Of course, one should not make false statements in the tax return, because in the case of false statements the courts do not understand any joke. Even an inadvertently incorrectly entered mileage of the distance between one's home and one's place of work can, in the worst case, result in a prison sentence of up to five years. Therefore, always pay scrupulous attention to the information entered!


Saving money: tips for the motorist tax return

Special expenses, commuter allowances and co.

In principle, the motorist has the option of z.B. his motor vehicle liability insurance premiums can be claimed as special expenses without the casco component. In relation to this, the commuter allowances (distance allowance, § 4 para. 5 number 6 EStG) the larger saving potential, because this secures to the occupation commuter a deductibility of the occupation-conditionally driven kilometers. The shortest road connection is generally decisive for determining the distance between home and place of work.

The tax office only takes into account full distance kilometers, however, you can also use a more convenient transport connection. A more convenient transport connection is given if the route is a faster connection to the workplace. The choice of the means of transport (car, motorcycle, train, etc.).) is, by the way, irrelevant for the use of the commuting allowance.

The commuter allowance is currently 30 cents per kilometer driven, the maximum amount is 4500 euros per year.


Saving money: tips for the motorist tax return

Commuter allowance: How to fill in the tax return correctly?

Many drivers are still unsure when filling out their tax returns. Here's how to do it right: the easy (!) Multiply the distance to the workplace by the number of annual working days and enter it in the tax return. That would be z.B. with 230 working days x 30 kilometers = 6900 kilometers. 6900 kilometers x 0,30 Euro = 2070 Euro deductible income-related expenses.

What ultimately remains for the individual motorist depends on the tax bracket and the income of the motorist.

Multiple ways – multiple calculation

If several places of work are visited, the routes can be calculated separately. As of January 2014, the calculation of the commuting allowance to the so-called "first place of work" may be decisive, i.e., the commuting allowance to the first place of work.h. It is not the regular place of work that is decisive, but the first place of work! Especially in the case of companies with several locations, you should therefore clarify with your employer which is the "first location" to be used.

If the other locations are also driven to in such a company, the outward and return journey can be entered in the tax return. The "first place of work" must, however, be a fixed location to which the employee is assigned for the entire contractual relationship or for longer than 48 months.

Couples are charged regularly

If couples have the same route to work, they can each deduct the kilometers driven – as is the case with car pools. However, detours to pick up your partner cannot be included in this process.

Employees who pay more than the maximum amount of 4.500 euros, can prove this by a logbook. When using one's own vehicle for business trips, the costs can be settled additionally.

To document the separation of business and private trips, it is best to keep a logbook and collect fuel and repair receipts. If fuel costs have already been paid by your employer, they must not appear on your tax return.

Sometimes you can also save on relocations

If the driver has taken up a new job and then changes his place of residence, the resulting travel costs may be deductible. Here, however, the legislation is very complex, so inform yourself in advance with your tax office or with your tax advisor.

Travel costs incurred in accidents are often taken into account

For accidents on the way to work that were not covered by your own or the other party's insurance, the accident costs, expenses for a comprehensive deductible, attorney's fees, court costs, and towing may be eligible for consideration on your tax return. In plain language, this means: In the event of an accident with the car on the way to work, the costs of the accident can often be deducted from the tax as extraordinary expenses regardless of the commuting allowance. This applies to all expenses that your employer, the other party involved in the accident or your own insurance company have not reimbursed you for.

If you make a claim on your own comprehensive insurance, deductible business expenses are generally calculated based on the repair costs that remain after deducting reimbursements from your insurer. In many cases this corresponds to the amount of the deductible.


Who is not happy to get a few euros back from the state after the tax return?? But it is not always easy to understand the tax laws and to recognize one's rights. Therefore, be correct in the information provided within your tax return and do not be afraid to contact your case workers regarding open questions. In many cases the claims for tax compensation vary. Therefore, inform yourself thoroughly and seek contact with the tax office. Get advice or, in the case of self-employment or higher expected repayments, hire a tax advisor. And even that is often tax deductible ..

By the way… you can find a repair shop that you can trust with your car with a good feeling in our repair shop search

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Keeping cats: 5 important tips for keeping cats Sat, 11 Feb 2023 10:05:41 +0000 Cats are the most popular "pets" in Germany. This is not surprising, because they are playful, smart and curious animals.

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Keeping cats: 5 important tips for keeping cats

Cats are the most popular "pets" in Germany. This is not surprising, because they are playful, smart and curious animals. Many of them like to cuddle, purr when they are well, and love to romp and play with their human companions or conspecifics.

But even though they are cute and adorable – cats are demanding animals that need many things in their lives to be comfortable. Here are 5 tips and a checklist of what you should pay attention to when you want to give a cat a home.

1. An animal means responsibility

Cats can live over 20 years. If you want to share your home with a cat, then you must be aware of what a long-term responsibility this entails. Animals depend on you to take good care of them and look after them throughout their lives. You should always keep these things in mind:

  • You need fresh food and water every day.
  • When they are sick, cats need to go to the vet.
  • This can also be quite expensive, d.h. there must be enough money or you consider to take out a health insurance for animals.
  • Cats need a lot of love and attention so they don't get bored.
  • The right equipment and enough space – even a well-fenced balcony or garden will bring enthusiasm for your velvet paw.
  • Someone has to take care of them even when your family wants to go on vacation.
  • Even cats get bored when they are alone all day long. Perhaps the inclusion of another conspecific would be useful so that your cat is not lonely.

In addition, you should think in advance what character traits a cat should have to fit your family and you. For this you can ask shelter workers, because they know their charges best. Baby cats, for example, are usually very playful and quickly feel lonely if they have no other cats around them – for this reason, many animal shelters and animal welfare organizations do not place baby cats alone, but only in pairs. Older cats are usually calmer and cuddlier, they have already seen a lot in their lives and have their own distinct character. Weigh the pros and cons carefully and discuss them with your parents.

Keeping cats: 5 important tips for keeping cats

2. Making the house cat-proof

Cats love to discover new things. Depending on what the cats have experienced in their lives so far and how much time their home spends with the velvet paws, they can also live well in the apartment or in the house and observe nature from there. Enable them for it a place at the secured window, from which they can follow the happening outside curiously. Open your window only if it is secured with a net and nothing can happen to your cat.

Caution: Tilting windows can be life-threatening! If your cat gets into a tilted window, it is difficult for it to get out of it. Never leave them alone with a tilted window.

If you want to let your cat out, there are a few things you need to keep in mind, because the outside world holds many dangers for cats: It's best to set up a fenced-in area in the backyard or a secured, cat-friendly balcony where your new animal roommate can loll in the warm sun or enjoy the breeze on his fur to his heart's content.

Checklist for keeping cats

Here's a list of 7 things a cat absolutely needs in the house or apartment to be happy:

  • Litter box with bedding (at least two per cat)
  • Different scratching and climbing opportunities, z. B. at least one scratching post, which belongs only to your cat and where he can live out his urge to scratch. Here you can be creative: Many climbing possibilities you can build yourself together with your parents.
  • Free access to fresh, clean water (cats love flowing water, so try a drinking fountain).
  • Bowl for regular meals
  • Sufficient hiding places (z. B. Caves, pillows, beds, cats especially like to watch what's going on from high above. So how about a wall shelf with a box and pillow?)
  • Toys (whether it's a play fishing rod, catnip, a sisal ball, or a homemade toy, playing together strengthens your bond and is important for keeping your cat comfortable and balanced)
  • grooming accessories such as comb, brush and if necessary. Claw scissors (grooming is incredibly important, especially for longhaired cats). Otherwise, tangles will form and they will itch and pull)

Keeping cats: 5 important tips for keeping cats

3. Watch out: No poisonous plants

Make sure there are no poisonous plants in your cat's environment. These include boxwoods, daffodils, lilies of the valley, but also poinsettias and many more. If you are unsure, it is best to clarify together with your parents which plants you should better remove from your home.

Instead you can offer your darling for example cat grass. This is especially during the change of coat from winter to the lighter summer coat a very popular plant with cats. It also supports their digestion.

4. Learn to understand cat language

It is important that you know certain things about cats – this includes animal language. Cats, just like other animals, have their own way of talking to each other and to us. If you understand her way of expressing herself, you can see when she might be feeling bad, recognize when she wants to play, is hungry or just wants to tell you she loves you. If you understand how cats talk to you, you can quickly become the very best of friends.

Keeping cats: 5 important tips for keeping cats

5. Always adopt cats at the shelter

You are now aware of the responsibility of keeping a cat and that it will live with you for many years. You've also cat-proofed your garden or balcony and got all the things you need, from scratching posts to cat food. And you know how to recognize when a cat is doing well and when it is doing badly. In short, you have everything you need for cat ownership. But the most important thing is still missing: your four-legged friend! But where do you get a cat?

Countless cats end up in German animal shelters every year. One of the reasons is that feral cats reproduce very quickly. Secondly, certain breeds are selectively bred by breeders and usually just for the money. For the cats in the shelter, unfortunately, this means that they often have to wait a long time for a new family. Sometimes they have to spend their whole life in the shelter.

If you love cats, you can help them by adopting them from a shelter. If your family is thinking about taking in a cat, suggest going to your local animal shelter. There waits with security exactly the right cat for you. Spend a few hours there with the animals and see which cat suits you best. The shelter staff will be happy to help you with your decision and answer any questions you may have.

Keeping cats: 5 important tips for keeping cats

What else you can do for cats

Now you know best what you need to keep one or more cats. That is not enough for you? Then give a presentation and inform your classmates about the topic "pets" – there is a lot to tell about it. And you can tell about your own great experiences, how it was to adopt your own cat from the shelter.

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