Insurance Archives - Dsofksdfo Sun, 09 Apr 2023 22:59:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Why do i need a social security card?? Tue, 04 Apr 2023 14:21:30 +0000 The social security card is an important document for all employees. No work without social security number! But where do

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The social security card is an important document for all employees. No work without social security number! But where do you get the ID card and what does it say? And do you actually have to carry it around with you all the time? Career Matters has the answers – and tells you which occupational groups don't need a social security card at all..

What is in the social security card?

The social security card contains this information:

  • First name, last name, maiden name
  • Academic title (if available)
  • Social security number
  • Issuing pension insurance institution
  • date of issue
  • Serial number

The social security number consists of the area number of the respective pension insurance agency, your date of birth, the first letter of your last name, a serial number for your gender, and the check digit. When you receive your SV ID card, be sure to check that the information matches.

Since 2017, the social security card also contains a QR code. For example, employees can also use a smartphone to read out the information and transfer it to their payroll program. However, the ID cards issued earlier remain valid.

It is up to you to decide whether a photo is included in the ID card. It has been voluntary since 2009.

How do I get a social security card?

The social security card is automatically sent to you when you start your first job – whether it's full-time, part-time, apprenticeship, internship or mini-job. In concrete terms, the German pension insurance sends a letter on which the social insurance card is printed with your social insurance number.

So you don't have to do anything but wait for your ID card to be sent to you. But keep it in a safe place once you have it.

Why do I need a social insurance card?

The social security card identifies you as a member of the social security system. You are thus insured against occupational disability and pension insurance. The social security number will later be used to calculate your pension.

You'll need the Social Security card if you…

  • take up employment
  • Applying for social benefits such as unemployment benefits or Hartz IV

As soon as you start working, present your social security card to your employer. The employer registers you with the health insurance fund or the mini-job center, stating your social security number. This is to ensure that it correctly accounts for social contributions.

Do I always have to carry my social security card with me??

No, you do not have to carry your social security card with you at all times. The so-called carry-on requirement that used to exist no longer exists.

It was replaced by a general obligation to show identification – but only in certain industries. Accordingly, you must always be able to identify yourself either with your identity card, passport or ID card or a passport substitute. ID card requirement aims to prevent moonlighting.

The ID card is required in resp. for:

  • Construction
  • Restaurants and lodging establishments
  • Passenger transport (z.B. cabs)
  • Forwarding, transport and related logistics industries
  • Showman
  • Meat Industry
  • Forestry
  • Building Cleaning
  • Setting up and dismantling trade fairs and exhibitions
  • Prostitution trade

How to apply for a new social security card?

If you have lost your social security card, you can apply for a new one free of charge. The best way to do this is to contact your health insurance company. She applies for the identity card for you at the German pension insurance. Processing, however, can take several weeks.

If your social security number, surname or first name changes, tell your employer or a social security agency about it. It forwards the changes to the statutory pension insurance company. This issues a new SV card.

You can, of course, apply for a new social security card yourself at the German Pension Insurance Office.

Do I need a social security card as a foreign employee??

Yes. If you are a foreigner employed in Germany, you are subject to German social security law and receive a social security card.

This is not the case if a foreign employee employs you in Germany on a temporary basis. Instead of the SV card, you will then need your residence permit or the certificate of applicable legislation, also known as a certificate of posting.

Different regulations also apply to foreign employees who are self-employed, come from a non-EU country or additionally work professionally in other countries.

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If you want to protect customers, you need data Sat, 01 Apr 2023 15:54:08 +0000     The analysis and use of internal and external data is not necessarily new to successful insurance companies. In

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If you want to protect customers, you need data


The analysis and use of internal and external data is not necessarily new to successful insurance companies. In digitizing products, services and processes, many insurers have the advantage of being able to draw on data collections that have been built up over many years. However, few succeed in analyzing this interconnected data holistically and visualizing it in a 360-degree view of the customer.

Customer-centric services also means fraud detection

This was the challenge facing Allianz Benelux. The subsidiary of the 130-billion-euro insurance giant Allianz, employs more than 2.000 employees, insures customers across countries in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, and has an estimated annual turnover of around four billion euros. After a series of mergers and acquisitions, the company faced the task of consolidating its customer data across multiple data silos. The aim was not only to improve sales efficiency, but also to gain a complete overview of customer risks, make forecasts for the future and thus improve customer service.

A central role is also played by fraud detection. This is where Allianz Benelux takes a zero-tolerance stance. The insurer not only wants to put a stop to criminal activities, comply with legal requirements and protect its own company, but also ensure that the premiums paid in actually benefit the policyholders and that premiums do not have to be increased in the long term. If you identify fraudsters early on and spot false claims, you can offer your customers better offers and prices on balance.

Graph technology and graph analytics

A snapshot of customers, including all their data and data relationships, could not be realized with the existing systems of Allianz Benelux. Relational database systems in particular are simply not capable of linking heterogeneous data across multiple data silos. Suspicious behavior patterns, fraudulent networks, and opaque connections can only be mapped visually, if at all, at great computational expense. The tables in SQL databases with rows and columns do not provide deep, contextual data connections and cannot track relationships across multiple levels. Frequently retrieved, "relevant" data (warm data) cannot be extracted.

Allianz Benelux therefore decided to use graph technology. Your advantage: The data model of graphs can be intuitively understood and thus vividly visualized. Data is represented as circles (nodes) connected by lines (edges). This allows even highly networked data to be analyzed and queried in real time. Relationships between customers, same addresses or phone numbers, and past claims and insurance benefits can be considered in context. The query speed does not depend on the total amount of data in the database and the number of linking operations, but only on the number of concrete relationships that are relevant for the desired query.

Graph algorithms are used for fast and precise analysis. The "PageRank" algorithm developed by Google is probably the best known example here. It measures the importance of each node within a graph based on the number of its relationships and the importance of the nodes connected to it. Or simply put: The more a data set is linked to other data, the more important it is. Google orders its search results according to this principle. Transferred to the insurance world, important customers, insurance companies with high claims coverage or even a suspicious accumulation of claims can be identified. Nodes with a high PageRank score appear larger in the graph and attract the attention of customer advisors, risk analysts and investigators. In combination with data warehouses, graph databases and graph algorithms thus form the foundation of modern data analysis in companies.

Fraud detection and 360-degree view

After an extensive market evaluation, Allianz Benelux chose Neo4j as its central database. In addition to the high scalability and flexibility, the enterprise features as well as the dominance of the enterprise solution for graphs on the market were decisive factors. In the Neo4j graph, data scientists, analysts and consultants can now look at customers from different points of view such as place of residence, address and the other people living there. This gives them an accurate picture of their relationships, lives and potential needs very quickly. Offers can be personalized and existing services optimized, with customer advisors being able to draw on automated recommendations from the system. As the customer view goes beyond the usual parameters such as personal advisor and claims, Allianz experts can see at a glance how many insurance policies a person has taken out and whether a new contract with combined benefits or extended coverage is worthwhile.

This level of detail in customer profiles also takes fraud detection to a new level. For example, a staged car accident is very difficult to detect on paper. Only when the people involved in the accident are put into a data context can correlations and relationships be uncovered. Do the people involved in the accident, the vehicle owners or the witnesses know each other?? Several such claims have recently been filed by the insurer? Does the insurance for the vehicle expire? Or is it due for inspection or maintenance? If, for example, a 15-year-old car is involved in an accident shortly before the next MOT, the closer circumstances of the accident should be checked again. Data analysis provides important starting points here, which the Allianz Benelux team is investigating further.

Operating profit: two million euros

After a successful proof-of-concept, Allianz Benelux implemented the graph-based solution – with immediate success. Over the course of just two years, the insurer was able to determine an operating profit of two million euros. However, the actual value is much higher. Existing systems, combined with graph technology, are much more powerful and simplify the verification of complex, heterogeneous data. The field of application for graphs is far from exhausted. The agenda includes data scouting and contextualizing data for business-relevant questions as well as an analytics engine for customer support. Further plans to use Neo4j together with machine learning techniques to further automate Allianz Benelux's core processes and make them more efficient.

The more data that can be converted into a visual view, the more precisely risks can be identified and customer service improved. Graph technology enables this 360-degree view even with large, complex data sets. The graph is constantly evolving, growing with the customer, matching needs and contracts with the insurer's current portfolio of benefits and services, and can analyze risks not only descriptively but also predictively.

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Vacation planning: 44 percent of germans want to take a vacation despite corona Sat, 01 Apr 2023 11:05:10 +0000 A current YouGov survey shows the effects of the Corona pandemic on the vacation planning of Germans. Most respondents have

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A current YouGov survey shows the effects of the Corona pandemic on the vacation planning of Germans. Most respondents have changed their travel plans. They are now either spending the summer in Germany or staying at home altogether. In mid-June, the German Foreign Office lifted the travel warnings for most countries. Nevertheless, a good half of Germans are likely to spend their summer vacations at home. A quarter of those surveyed want to vacation in their own country. This is shown by a recent YouGov survey commissioned by DEVK Versicherungen with more than 2.000 respondents.

After all, 16 percent travel within the EU. 35 percent prefer southern Europe – d.h. Italy, Croatia, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain. Central European countries such as Luxembourg, Austria, Poland or Hungary are also popular destinations (23 percent – excluding Germany).

Different vacation plans: young people dare to go abroad

Young people up to the age of 24 in particular are positively inclined toward foreign countries: 27 percent want to take a vacation within the EU this summer, and 8 percent even want to travel outside Europe. On average, only 3 percent of all respondents dare to do so. The older generation aged 45 and over, on the other hand, do not take any risks and prefer to stay at home for the most part. Among those over 55, 56 percent say so. Women are also more cautious and stay in Germany (22 percent) or completely at home (56 percent). Among men, only 45 percent want to spend the summer at home.

Mountains and sea attract tourists

For those who take summer vacations in Germany, Bavaria is the top destination at 17 percent. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania had to admit defeat with 16 per cent scarcely. Overall, Germans like to vacation in the north: 11 percent each travel to Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein. Strong tourist magnets here are likely to be the coasts on the North Sea and Baltic Sea.

Even before the Corona crisis, German vacationers preferred their home country as a travel destination. According to the annual travel analysis of the Forschungsgemeinschaft Urlaub und Reisen e.V. (FUR), Germany remains the number one vacation destination: according to the survey, 26 percent of Germans will be traveling in their own country in 2019 – similar to the number this summer. In second place last year was Spain with 12.7 percent, followed by Italy with 8.7 percent.

Corona turns vacation planning on its head

But this year much is different: Almost half of the respondents have changed their travel plans due to the Corona crisis. 32 percent say they stay at home unscheduled. 16 percent have discarded their original destination and now spend their vacation elsewhere. As many as 27 percent will take their trip as planned.

Insured travel

It is not only when planning vacations that respondents play it safe: Those who go on vacation despite Corona are particularly concerned about the right coverage. For 24 percent of respondents, travel cancellation insurance is crucial. However, it does not pay if people do not want to take their vacation because they are worried about the effects of the pandemic. But it covers cancellation costs if travelers or close relatives z. B. Suffering from Corona.

Not surprisingly, 22 percent find travel health insurance abroad important. Because anyone who falls ill or has an accident outside Germany is thus medically covered.

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Relief for parents of children in need of care Wed, 29 Mar 2023 11:01:36 +0000 These support and counseling options are available for parents of children in need of care. Almost all children with care

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These support and counseling options are available for parents of children in need of care.

Almost all children with care needs are cared for by their parents at home. One of the special features of children in need of care, in contrast to senior citizens in need of care, is that children are to be accompanied by the care into a life as independent as possible. That's why care includes various early intervention measures – a time-consuming undertaking.

Parents of children in need of care are therefore responsible for a wide range of tasks:

  • Caring for, looking after and supervising the child
  • the implementation of medical-therapeutic care measures
  • symptom management and medication
  • Monitoring for technology-intensive care
  • organizing and coordinating care
  • Communicate with involved stakeholders, for example, school support or care services
  • Negotiations with payers
  • Administrative procedures and applications
  • Organization of remedies and aids
  • Housing design
  • Accompanying the child to therapeutic measures
  • Doctor visits and hospital stays
  • Continuation of therapeutic and supportive measures at home.

In addition to the daily household duties, there is often also the care of siblings or a possible occupation. It is easy to imagine that with this workload, leisure time and recreation often come up short. But in order to be able to shoulder a care situation in the long term, it is important for parents to take preventive action – otherwise there is a risk of health effects as a reaction to the strain.

Use care advice – know services

In order to be aware of all relief options and the offers of the care insurance, parents should seek professional advice within the framework of a care consultation. Care consultants can provide long-term and permanent support in organizing the care situation and advise the families. The topics of the consultation range from the classification in the correct care degree over relief offers such as short-term care up to the separation from the parental home.

Finding self-help groups and networks

Families usually organize the care of their child over a long period of time – often into adulthood and sometimes beyond. There are always upheavals or difficult phases, for example when starting kindergarten or school. That's why it's important for parents to create a network that supports them and takes on tasks. Such a network may include, for example, friends, extended family, sponsors or neighbors, as well as other affected individuals. But also professional help or self-help groups can contribute to the relief of caring parents.

Find a local provider

Finding local professional providers who can assist in the caregiving situation is helped by the care search tool. Many search results can be refined here specifically for offers for children and adolescents in need of care.

If parents are looking for providers in the region, care advisors can also help here, who are usually very well networked locally or can take over the research of suitable offers.

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How trainees are well insured Wed, 29 Mar 2023 07:31:12 +0000 In many areas, trainees remain covered by their parents' existing insurance policies. However, there are also risks for which they

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How trainees are well insured

In many areas, trainees remain covered by their parents' existing insurance policies. However, there are also risks for which they need their own insurance.

Those who are about to start or have already started their education should think about their own coverage. Although young trainees are still covered in some areas by their parents' existing insurance policies, they are not covered in all areas.

From legal disputes and accidental disability to damage caused to others as a result of a mishap – even trainees are subject to various risks that can jeopardize their financial existence if the worst comes to the worst.

For some of these risks, trainees, even if they are of age, may already have insurance coverage through existing insurance policies of their parents. In the case of some other risks, the trainee must ensure that he or she is adequately covered himself or herself.

Protection for the consequences of one's own mishaps

One of the most important insurance policies for all citizens is personal liability insurance. Namely, anyone who accidentally harms another is liable for the damage caused to an unlimited extent with all of his or her present and future income and assets. For example, if you accidentally spill a glass of red wine on a friend's carpet while visiting them, you will be responsible for cleaning up the stain.

The same applies if a pedestrian or cyclist causes a traffic accident. Even then, they must be liable for any personal injury, property damage or financial loss that may occur. Such and various other damages caused by the insured's negligence are covered by an existing personal liability policy. It also defends against unjustified or excessive claims made against the insured by third parties.

If the parents already have such a private liability insurance, the minor children, but also adult, unmarried children, as long as they are still in their first professional training, are usually also insured free of charge. With some, partly older policies, it can also be agreed in the insurance conditions that the maximum age up to which a child is covered in the policy of the parents is limited to the age of 25. or 27. year of life.

Protection in the event of legal disputes

The same applies in the case of private and professional legal protection insurance for parents. Here, too, children of full age continue to be co-insured under an existing policy of their parents, provided that the conditions agreed in the insurance contract are met. Depending on the policy agreement, unmarried children of full age are usually co-insured either until they have completed their initial education and are otherwise not engaged in any professional activity, or as long as they are not engaged in any permanent professional activity with a performance-related remuneration.

A trainee's remuneration is not considered to be performance-related remuneration, i.e. trainees are also insured in both of the aforementioned variants. In some policies, however, there is a predefined maximum age for the free co-insurance of children, such as the age of 25. or 27. Year of life.

Incidentally, for free co-insurance with private liability and/or private legal protection policies, it usually doesn't matter whether you're an adult trainee still living with your parents or already have your own apartment.

On the road with a motor vehicle

If you have your own driver's license as a trainee and also drive vehicles that are not registered to your parents or already have a vehicle registered to you, you should have your own driver's legal protection policy or, if you own a vehicle, a traffic legal protection policy.

This is because in many of the parents' traffic insurance policies, an adult child is only insured in his or her capacity as a driver if he or she is driving a motor vehicle registered in the parents' name.

However, if the trainee drives a car that is registered in his or her own name and is not insured under the parents' legal protection policy, or if he or she drives a friend's car for which there is no legal protection insurance, he or she has no legal protection coverage without a policy of his or her own.

Coverage for one's own household effects ..

If the parents of an apprentice have a household insurance policy, his household effects are usually also insured as long as he lives at home and has not yet set up his own household. According to the German Insurance Association e.V. (GDV), a room in a shared apartment is not considered a household. This means that the trainee's inventory in the shared room is also covered by the parents' household contents policy, provided that external insurance protection is agreed in the policy.

Numerous insurers also offer co-insurance of the children's household contents up to a certain sum insured as part of the household contents insurance, in some cases for an additional charge, if the children are only living somewhere else for a longer period of time because of training.

However, if you as a trainee have your own (rented) apartment permanently, i.e. not only for the duration of the training, you usually need your own household contents policy to cover your own furniture, clothing, electrical appliances and other household effects.

… and the work force

Another important form of private insurance, even for young people, is private disability insurance. This is because without such a policy, there is a risk of considerable loss of income and financial difficulties in the long term in the event of incapacity to work or occupational disability due to illness or accident.

The protection of the social insurance, for example with a reduction in earning capacity pension from the statutory pension insurance (GRV), is not sufficient in the case of an incapacity for work to maintain the income that would have been expected without the incapacity for work. In addition, trainees are usually not immediately entitled to a statutory pension for reduced earning capacity from the GRV.

For example, a trainee is generally only entitled to this insurance during the first year of training if he or she becomes incapacitated due to an accident at work or an occupational disease, or if he or she has paid compulsory contributions to the SPS for twelve months in the two years prior to the onset of the reduction in earning capacity. By the way: Within the framework of the statutory pension insurance, there has long since been no statutory occupational disability pension for all persons who have been in training after the 1st year of age. Born on January 1961.

The health insurance of a trainee

For the trainee, any existing free family insurance via the statutory health insurance fund, a provider of statutory health insurance (GKV), with which the parents may be insured, ceases to apply at the start of the training. During the apprenticeship, the apprentice is automatically compulsorily insured in the social insurances such as the statutory health, nursing care and pension insurance and must make the corresponding social contributions from his or her wages.

Up to 14 days after the start of the apprenticeship, the apprentice can usually decide on a specific health insurance company with which he or she wants to be insured. Otherwise, the training company usually registers the trainee with the health insurance fund with which he or she was previously insured. The general SHI contribution rate, which the trainee has to pay proportionately from his or her salary, is 7.3 percent. In addition, depending on their financial situation, each health insurance company has the right to levy an individual additional contribution rate, half of which is also to be borne by the trainee.

This additional contribution rate varies by health insurance company. However, it is not possible to change to a different or more favorable health insurance fund until 18 months after you have been insured with your previous health insurance fund for the first time. For more details on how to cancel and switch health insurance plans, visit the federal Department of Health and Human Services web portal.

Advice helps avoid gaps in coverage

If you want more benefits than the health insurance companies can offer – they have to adhere to legally defined benefits within the framework of the GKV – you can also take out supplementary private health insurance as an apprentice.

Such policies are available, among other things, for services in the area of alternative practitioners, dental treatment and inpatient treatment, such as for single room accommodation. The younger one is at the time of contract conclusion, the lower the insurance premium is.

As a general rule, it is advisable for trainees to consult with an insurance specialist. The insurance company can analyze the respective situation and clarify where there may still be gaps in coverage or where protection is already provided by a free co-insurance with the parents.

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Ukraine: uncertainty despite grain corridor Tue, 28 Mar 2023 11:57:38 +0000 Two dozen ships have left the largest Ukrainian ports in the Black Sea since 22.Leave July. On this day, an

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Two dozen ships have left the largest Ukrainian ports in the Black Sea since 22.Leave July. On this day, an agreement was signed in Istanbul, mediated by the United Nations and Turkey, to allow grain exports from Ukraine to resume after months of blockade by Russian warships and Ukrainian sea mines. One of the first ships to leave was freighted by the UN to 23.000 tons of wheat to starving people in Ethiopia. In total, more than 600.000 tons of grain made their way to the world market, according to the interim balance sheet of the State Seaport Administration of Ukraine. The port authority's plans are ambitious: soon 100 ships a month are to leave the Ukrainian ports of Odessa, Pivdenny and Chornomorsk. But you are still miles away from that.

Shipping companies hesitate

Apart from the freighter that left for Ethiopia on behalf of the UN, only four other ships have entered the ports of Odessa region to pick up grain in accordance with newly concluded contracts. The rest were ships that had been stuck in the harbors for months before. "Things are very slow with new contracts," says Pavlo Martyshev of the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) in an interview with DW. "Market participants don't really trust the Russians and are expecting surprises," Martyshev said, alluding to the Russian missile strike on the port of Odessa just one day after the agreement was signed.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres (l.) and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the signing of the grain agreement in Istanbul

In an analysis for the CFE in early August, Martyshev optimistically estimated the additional export potential thanks to the Istanbul agreement at more than five billion U.S. dollars – important foreign currency for war-torn Ukraine and the country's farmers. But the reality so far paints a different picture. "Freight costs vary widely, often within a single day. The market is nervous. Sometimes there are reports of Russian missile fire on the Odessa region, sometimes on the port of Mykolaiv, sometimes Russian fighters fly over the demilitarized sea corridor, which is intended for the safe passage of freighters," says Martyshev.

Juicy risk premiums

Gennedij Ivanov, managing director of the logistics company BPG Shipping, knows exactly what it means to transport goods under war conditions. For more than ten years, his company organized cargo shipments to Yemen. Now Ivanov has to convince shipowners to call at his hometown Odessa despite all the risks. "There are few shipowners who systematically work in potentially dangerous regions such as West Africa or Yemen and are willing to serve Ukraine as well, because they know that there are risk premiums. Ultimately, this means that the freight costs are much higher than in the neighboring, 'peaceful' countries of Romania or Bulgaria," Ivanov tells DW.

The sea freight specialist is confident: the longer the export corridor will function without incidents, the more shipowners will dare to travel to Ukraine. "When the grain agreement was signed, insurance companies expected premiums of four to five percent of the ships' market value for the seven-day period. Today, it's one to one and a half percent, which is still an average of 200.000 to 270.000 US dollars per week," says Ivanov.

"Russians displaced Ukrainian wheat"

The freight manager does the math: Hiring a ship to export grain from Ukraine costs about 10.000 US dollars per day more than one pays in neighboring Romania, for example. Elaborate security checks in Istanbul also mean that shipowners charge Ukrainian customers for an additional seven to nine days.

It was a condition of the Russians during the negotiations: Every ship is to be searched by Turkish military both on the way to Ukraine and on the way back to prevent any arms shipments by ship. "All this leads to the fact that a ton of cargo from the ports of Ukraine costs 25 to 35 US dollars more than from Romania," Ivanov points out.

The ship "Brave Commander" is to transport Ukrainian grain to Africa

These costs reduce the exporters' return on investment and lead to deductions in the purchase prices for Ukrainian farmers. This is an advantage for the most important rival on the grain markets: Russia – even though risk premiums for Russian ports have also risen somewhat since the outbreak of war.

"Russia expects a record wheat harvest of over 90 million tons this year. Under these circumstances, Russian wheat will dominate the market. The Russians can give discounts, they already ousted Ukrainian wheat from the main markets, such as Turkey or Egypt," says Pavlo Martyshev. The same applies to sunflower oil, he said. "Many factories have been at a standstill since the war began, and instead of sunflower oil, Ukraine is now exporting unprocessed sunflower seeds, which brings in much less foreign exchange".

Where to put millions of tons of grain?

Experts estimate that some 18 million tons of grain are still stuck in Ukrainian silos. Especially for farmers who grow corn, it will be tight. "In September/October, the new harvest will be here, and if exports are not drastically accelerated, there will be a shortage of storage capacity for around 10 million tons of corn," warns Martyshev, calling for international support, for example in the form of cheap loans, especially for smaller farms, to build temporary silos, and to help farmers with the next sowing season.

Heinz Strubenhoff was the World Bank's agricultural expert in Ukraine for many years. Today he works as an independent expert. According to him, the Istanbul grain agreement will only bring tangible results if international partners help Ukraine to shoulder the risk premiums of cargo insurance. "Russia has an interest in ensuring that uncertainty continues and insurance premiums remain high. The EU and the U.S. should have an interest in helping Ukraine with the costs of reinsuring the risks and thus making exports competitive again," says the agricultural expert.

If the economics of grain exports are in question, that could force many farmers in Ukraine to grow more canola or sunflowers, Strubenhoff fears. Nothing would be gained in the medium term for food security, which has been the international focus of efforts to reach a grain agreement for Ukraine, the expert warns.

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Travel insurance for language trips Mon, 27 Mar 2023 13:50:17 +0000     Travel insurances are, in general, insurance contracts that cover various risks in connection with travel and stays abroad.

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Travel insurance for language trips


Travel insurances are, in general, insurance contracts that cover various risks in connection with travel and stays abroad. Here we present the most important ones – travel health insurance, travel accident insurance, travel liability insurance and luggage insurance:

The travel health insurance

Your statutory health insurance will cover the costs of "damage claims" only if they are located within "Schengen countries" (countries that have a social agreement with the FRG) can apply. Most of the European states belong to the Schengen countries. Within this zone, however, the statutory health insurances only reimburse the treatment costs that would be paid for the same treatment within Germany. So if travelers fall ill or have an accident in the destination country, the insurance coverage provided by the statutory insurance is usually not sufficient to cover all costs. Important: Outside the Schengen countries, you have no insurance coverage at all through your statutory health insurance! In case of emergency, you would have to pay for your entire treatment yourself.
A suitable travel/foreign health insurance protects travelers from possibly very high medical and treatment costs that can arise abroad. It also covers, for example, the costs of a medically necessary return transport to Germany.

You can find more information here: Travel health insurance

Travel accident insurance pays for financial disadvantages, both incurred and permanent, suffered by the insured traveler in connection with an accident in the country of travel. This includes benefits for salvage and repatriation, in case of continuing disability as well as death. A good travel accident insurance is especially useful if you take part in sports activities like surfing, diving, skiing, etc. during your vacation. follow. If you already have a general accident insurance policy, you can first ask your insurer to what extent your policy also covers stays abroad.

You can find more information here: Travel accident insurance

The foreign liability insurance

Tip: Check your personal liability insurance first. Does your policy cover you worldwide or is it limited to Germany?? If the protection is only limited to Germany, you should think about taking out a travel liability insurance for additional coverage. It can save you a lot of trouble if you cause property damage or personal injury during your stay abroad.

Luggage insurance

The luggage insurance replaces the current value of your luggage respectively. the damage caused by lost luggage during travels. Certain conditions apply (z.B. monitoring of luggage) as well as agreed maximum limits for valuables. Your luggage is insured if you have checked it in or if it has been damaged by criminal acts of third parties, accidents during transportation or by fire or. Natural hazards damaged or lost.

When is it worth insuring your luggage?? As a rule of thumb, the more valuable the contents of your luggage, the more important luggage insurance becomes. If you want to take your expensive photo equipment or expensive jewelry with you on vacation, you should think about taking out an appropriate insurance policy.

Further information can be found here: Travel luggage insurance

time abroad insurance

In cooperation with HanseMekur Reiseversicherung AG, INITIATIVE auslandszeit offers the special rate "auslandszeitVersicherung" – The insurance for your stay abroad at particularly favorable conditions:

Who can take out auslandszeitVersicherungs?

Participants in working holiday programs (work&study programs) can benefit from the time abroad insurance programs Travel, volunteer work, farm work), language students, interns, students, scholarship holders as well as doctoral students up to the age of 60. benefit from the care system. The program also covers participants:

  • with German citizenship during a stay abroad
  • with other nationality, provided they have their permanent residence (for at least 2 years) in Germany during a stay abroad
  • with foreign citizenship during a stay in Germany

The time abroad insurance programs refer to trips that last longer than 3 weeks and take place outside the EU. Good to know: If they depart prematurely from their stay abroad, their insurance premiums will be refunded without additional costs / processing fees.

auslandszeit health insurance

With the conclusion of an auslandszeit health insurance you profit among other things from:

  • a worldwide insurance coverage, including USA + Canada (exception: not in the country of permanent residence)
  • a maximum bookable travel duration of 60 months (5 years)
  • zero deductible in case of damage
  • from insurance coverage during home leave (6 weeks per year)

auslandszeit accident and liability insurance

The auslandszeit accident and liability insurance offers you:

  • also worldwide insurance cover, including USA + Canada (exception: not in the country of permanent residence)
  • a maximum bookable travel duration of 60 months (5 years)
  • a combined property package of accident and personal liability insurance
  • Internship damages are covered by liability insurance

auslandszeit luggage insurance

Provides comprehensive protection in case of loss or damage to your luggage:

  • worldwide insurance coverage, including USA + Canada (exception: not in the country of permanent residence)
  • maximum bookable travel duration of 60 months (5 years)
  • no deductible in case of damage
  • no age limit
  • sum insured: up to 2000 € (current value)

Language travel offers& free information by catalog

Many language tour operators offer language trips and language courses worldwide for students& adults on. Some language travel programs already include travel insurance in the package price; with other providers, insurance can be added for an additional fee.

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Insurtechs: what is it? Sat, 25 Mar 2023 15:03:29 +0000 More and more disruptive fintechs are currently appearing on the market, taking the service and banking segment by storm. A

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More and more disruptive fintechs are currently appearing on the market, taking the service and banking segment by storm. A change can also be observed in the insurance industry in this context – this is being driven forward in particular by the so-called InsurTechs. InsurTechs are active in various segments in this respect.

For example, one of these innovative InsurTechs is Coya. The company offers digital insurance, such as dog health insurance or home insurance. What is behind the business models is explained in the following article.

InsurTechs can be found in these segments

The InsurTechs category generally includes services in the insurance industry that make use of modern IT methods in terms of their offering and implementation. As a rule, the term forms the short variant for the term InsurTech startups.

InsurTechs are particularly common in the health insurance space. The startups obtain data from innovative sources such as smart wearables or smartphones. For example, insurance rates can be offered that are based on the individual physical activity of the customer.

In the peer-to-peer insurance segment, policyholders join forces and support each other financially in the event of a claim. The peer-to-peer segment is currently enjoying the most popularity among InsurTechs.

In addition, there are also online providers that carry out their business activities in the traditional broker segment. In the course of contract management, brokerage mandates are thus predominantly handled online. In contrast, InsurTechs in the spot insurance segment are focusing on short-term insurance in various areas. For example, special car insurance policies are offered for a period of just 24 hours.

The different types of InsurTechs

There are InsurTechs that have a broker mandate from their customers. This enables them to conclude, manage and terminate contracts on behalf of customers like a traditional insurance broker. Other InsurTechs do not make use of this option.

Roboadvisor InsurTechs make use of Big Data, algorithms and artificial intelligence. Data is evaluated via software programs and thus constantly provides customers with new product recommendations or optimization potential for existing insurance products on this data basis.

If InsurTechs take over the management of a customer's insurance contracts, they act as digital contract managers – either with or without a mandate. In addition, there are also InsurTechs that develop their own insurance products and offer them on the market. In some cases, they cooperate with existing insurance companies for this purpose. In addition, there are also InsurTechs that merely settle the claim in the event of an insurance claim.

What is important when selecting InsurTechs??

Generally speaking, when choosing an InsurTechs, the first offer is not necessarily the best offer. Also in this innovative insurance area, a comprehensive comparison of the different providers should therefore be made. Many of the InsurTechs and the products they offer are still new on the market. It is therefore not easy for consumers to understand whether they are really serious. Independent test results, however, provide a helpful first point of reference.

The InsurTechs' services are mainly offered and managed digitally. For this reason, data security is of paramount importance. For example, consumers should check whether the provider uses data encryption and security certificates. The server location of the InsurTech should also be within Germany or the EU, if possible.

It is also recommended that the InsurTech grants different options for payment. As with traditional insurance providers, consumers should be able to choose the intervals at which they want to make their premium payments

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Travel to the us during pregnancy Thu, 23 Mar 2023 10:05:33 +0000 Travel during pregnancy can be for both personal and professional reasons. However, if the trip takes them to the U.S.,

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Travel during pregnancy can be for both personal and professional reasons. However, if the trip takes them to the U.S., pregnant women may also encounter problems. So you should inform yourself before travel start exactly on which entry regulations you should pay attention to.

But at what point in pregnancy does entry into the U.S. prove difficult?? And what reasons can be cited to refuse the issuance of a visa? On these and further questions to the topic entry pregnant USA you receive all important information in the following councellor.


Travel to the us during pregnancy


Initially, the regular entry requirements apply

It is possible for German citizens to bypass the issuance of a visa and instead enter the U.S. with an electronic travel authorization. This regulation continues to apply during pregnancy. Reasons for exclusion for the rejection of an ESTA application can have various causes.

These include:

  • – Entries in the certificate of good conduct
  • – Violations for previous travel to the U.S. or
  • – Incorrect information in the application

Pregnancy does not make the American authorities overlook these violations. This is also true if the father of the unborn child is an American citizen. The request should be made at least 72 hours in advance for specific travel dates.


Travel to the us during pregnancy


In the current legal situation, birth tourism forms a gray area

During Donald Trump's four years in office as president of the United States, fighting illegal immigration has been at the top of the agenda. The impact is still being felt today. This also applies to pregnant women planning to stay in the U.S. The more advanced the pregnancy, the more likely it is to be suspected of birth tourism.

This term refers to women who deliberately travel to the United States to give birth there. Every child born on U.S. soil receives U.S. citizenship, regardless of nationality. Through this loophole, parents again try to get a legal residence status.

Some other parents use this option to make it easier for their children to come to the U.S. later to study or work there. Due to this growing trend, the U.S. has imposed stricter requirements on all pregnant travelers.

Since 2020 pregnant women are subject to stricter visa conditions

Once the pregnancy reaches the third trimester, most visas would allow you to legally stay in the country until the birth. The U.S. has therefore decided to complicate the guidelines for issuing a visa during pregnancy. ESTA may not be sufficient and you may need to apply for a B-1 for business purposes or a B-2 tourist visa. For this purpose, you must contact the appropriate American embassy of the home country.

Contact is possible by telephone as well as by e-mail. However, electronic communication is preferable. Thus you have a proof in your hands that an appointment was made at a certain day and time.


Travel to the us during pregnancy


Entry requirements for emigrants

On the other hand, the entry requirements have not been tightened for emigrants. If you or your partner start a new job in the USA before the birth, you will still be allowed to move with the corresponding green cards and visas. This applies to classic salaried employment as well as to stays in the USA for the purpose of scientific studies. The American embassy is also the appropriate point of contact for issuing these visas.

During the interview at the U.S. Embassy, it is helpful to bring receipts with you

If you are invited to the American Embassy for the issuance of a visa, it is helpful to appear well prepared there. If pregnancy is the only reason for which you need a visa, you should not avoid personal questions. These include, for example, more detailed information about the father of the child.

Furthermore, the economic situation can play a role. Women who decide to go on birth tourism to the United States are often assumed to want to gain a financial advantage as well. If, on the other hand, you can prove that your profession or your private environment does not bring with it a plausible reason for emigration, the chances of a positive decision increase.


Travel to the us during pregnancy


Think about risk factors when entering the U.S. with a pregnancy

Other information that comes with entering the U.S. with a pregnancy is medical information. Questioning may revolve around, among other things, risk factors that could lead to giving birth while traveling. If you have evidence from the treating gynecologist, this accusation can also be quickly refuted.

Furthermore, you should expect to be asked about an existing foreign health insurance or financial means to pay for medical treatment. The u.s. health care system differs significantly from other countries, so births and cesarean sections can quickly cost five to six figures.

With this question, the employees of the embassy ensure that the U.S. is not left with the costs in the event of a hospital stay abroad.


Travel to the us during pregnancy


Waivers for travel to the U.S. during pregnancy

Current policy has made it more difficult, but not impossible, for very pregnant women to enter the U.S. This also applies with regard to exemptions. These may be family emergencies. If you would like to attend the funeral of a family member, it is likely that you will not be denied this wish. It is helpful to be able to name the exact date of arrival and departure.

Another exemption applies with regard to medical treatment. If it is necessary for you or the unborn child to undergo therapy or surgery in the U.S., entry is also usually permitted.

This can even apply if it is foreseeable that the child will be born during the stay in the USA. As soon as you want to seek medical treatment as a pregnant woman in the United States, you should contact the embassy as early as possible. Being cooperative makes it easier to get the assistance you want.

Airlines have other restrictions in place for pregnant women

Another point of concern for travel to the U.S. can be seen when entering the country by airplane. Having to give birth over the Atlantic is an emergency, which airlines are happy to waive. The promotion is therefore pregnant women usually from the 35. or. 36. week denied. If you are entering the U.S. heavily pregnant, you must make sure that you have not yet crossed this border when you leave the country.

It is also the responsibility of pregnant passengers to inform themselves about the airlines' regulations in force at the time. These rules include, in addition to your passport, a valid maternity record or a doctor's certificate that you are in good health to survive a flight to the U.S. unharmed.

Exceptions exist for multiple pregnancies. Anyone who is pregnant with two or more children can expect to be banned from traveling between the 28th week of pregnancy. and 32. To no longer be carried on an airplane during the first week. In spite of a valid ESTA or visa, it can happen that you do not find a way to enter the United States. Airport employees are also encouraged to report possible rule violations at check-in. This puts the onus on passengers to prove which week of pregnancy you are in.


Travel to the us during pregnancy


In a nutshell, it is possible to enter the USA during pregnancy, whether on business or as a tourist. However, it must be ensured that you do not wish to give birth in the USA and that you are not pregnant until the 36th week of pregnancy. week have left the country again. As of this writing, most airlines refuse to carry pregnant passengers.

When applying for ESTA or a visa, it is important to provide only truthful information. This is the easiest way to refute the accusation of birth tourism. This way nothing should stand in the way of your trip to the United States.

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Braces costs: these benefits and financing options are available Thu, 23 Mar 2023 07:25:14 +0000 Orthodontic treatment requires patience and costs money. Before getting started with braces or splints, it's a good idea to find

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Orthodontic treatment requires patience and costs money. Before getting started with braces or splints, it's a good idea to find out about the costs you're likely to incur. Which costs are covered by health insurance? Which costs are not covered? When must braces be paid for privately? Those who can't or don't want to pay for everything at once can take advantage of various financing options, such as payment by installments.

Braces costs during treatment: From when does the health insurance fund cover?

When it comes to the question of which costs are covered by the statutory health insurance (SHI), the so-called KIG system comes into play. KIG stands for orthodontic indication groups. On the basis of the progress of the tooth change and by the classification of five degrees of severity it is judged whether the costs are taken over. In the case of degrees one and two, the costs are not covered by the statutory health insurance. For grades three through five, the public health insurance contributes to the cost. Whether one pays anything extra privately depends on the additional services chosen.

If the treatment plan has been approved by the statutory health insurance, 80 percent of the costs for the requested services are covered directly. In addition, 20 percent of the costs must be borne by the patient during treatment. If several children are in treatment, the co-payment is reduced to 10 percent from the second child onwards.

Attention: In the event of premature discontinuation or lack of cooperation with the treatment, you will not be reimbursed by the health insurance company for the portion of your own costs paid!

Patients who have private insurance should take a look at their contractually selected insurance conditions. It shows individually, how the costs are covered by the private health insurance (PKV).

How often an invoice is issued?

For patients with statutory health insurance, a quarterly invoice is issued for orthodontic services provided during the treatment quarter. 80 percent of the costs are settled directly with the health insurance company. Over 20 percent of the achievements the patient receives an invoice over the own contribution. After successful completion of orthodontic therapy, the health insurance company will reimburse the patient's own contribution. Invoices from the orthodontist and a final confirmation of the treatment must be submitted to the health insurance company.

In the case of privately insured, billing can be done at any time. Some orthodontists also bill patients with statutory insurance according to the principle of reimbursement.

Coverage of braces costs also depends on age

In addition to the severity of the KIG system, the stage of tooth change and the age of the patient play a role. This is because the statutory health insurance does not cover the cost of treatment until the patient is in the second mixed dentition phase between ca. the 9-12. year of life. Exceptions for an earlier start of treatment are possible in case of pronounced malocclusions within the scope of an early treatment.

In addition, orthodontic treatment must begin before the age of 18. Birthday to be started. After reaching the age of majority, health insurance only pays for therapy in extreme cases in combination with oral surgery.

Treatment and cost plan helps estimate the cost of braces

If the statutory health insurance does not contribute to the costs in the case of KIG classification 1 or 2, or if a patient of full age nevertheless requires braces, the costs are calculated individually according to the type and duration of treatment on the basis of the scale of fees for dentists (GOZ).

Nothing makes you more nervous than hidden costs or an unexpectedly high bill during orthodontic treatment. For this reason, a treatment and cost plan is drawn up after thorough diagnostics and taking into account the patient's wishes. It contains the necessary fee positions according to GOZ for the exact overview of the braces costs.

How to finance the cost of braces

Orthodontic treatment with braces often presents patients with a financial challenge. But just because the statutory health insurance does not cover the cost of treatment, you do not have to do without a healthy set of teeth and straight teeth. There are also various financing options for braces costs.

These four options are available:

1. Payment in installments

Especially in the case of extensive orthodontic therapy, the costs can quickly skyrocket. This is why most orthodontists offer the option of paying in installments via the practice software. With a defined sum per month, the patient can gradually pay off the cost of treatment and thus cushion the financial burden. However, payment in installments can also be arranged through external financial service providers or factoring companies.

2. Supplementary insurance

Those with statutory insurance can take out additional private supplementary dental insurance. With a monthly premium, you can secure services that are not covered by the health insurance company. This is especially helpful if a patient has been classified in severity level one or two in the KIG system, as well as in the case of adult patients. Sensible additional services are also usually covered by supplementary dental insurance. The only important thing is that the private supplementary insurance was taken out before the need for treatment was established.

3. Take out a loan

A loan can also provide relief in the event of financial bottlenecks or very high treatment costs. In this case, the patient should make an appointment with his bank in time and find out about possible credits and their amount. Often already a small loan from 1000 euro represents a clear relief.

4. Report costs for tax purposes

What many do not know: The braces costs can be indicated with the tax declaration as unusual load.

Braces costs: cheap is not better

If you're holding a cost plan for your own orthodontic treatment with aligners or other braces in your hands for the first time, you'll usually be shocked at first. Treatment costs may be higher than expected, resulting in a financial burden. There is the temptation to fall back on commercial offerers in the Internet, who entice with lowest prices. The focus is often only on aesthetics, which entails risks for dental health. Despite higher treatment costs, it should be clear to everyone that the health of their own teeth comes first. First contact should therefore always be the competent specialist dentist for orthodontics.

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